When I seen this as the first review on the site I felt a message mix of awkward and exciting. Awkward because this week I'm reviewing Arkham Asylum for my review site this Saturday, and exciting because... Well the very same reason! But yea, I have to say you've done a pretty good job on this review. Its always great to read other people's review of something you're working on. In on way it helps you see what you've missed, in another it helps you see a different way of doing it. Its also pretty damn fun.
I like your style and the flow of the review so far. Its not bogged down and isn't allowed to run away with itself (unlike mine). Its easy to read through, straight to the point and just with a little personal flare. I'll definitely check out the rest of your content and keep an eye out for future posts!
They tried to fix the Joker's personality in the newest videogame of the Arkham series, Arkham Origins, the prequel of the other two games, because the Joker himself says that he has known "his equal" and that "he has never felt that way with any person", but too late, I think, because they did shit about this in the sequels. Altough this fact, I keep on saying that the Joker only tried to kill Batman in Arkham Assylum because he was under the effects of Titan poison. But God, you all should see the Joker in Arkham Origins, is so so fucking perfect... And I don't even played the entire game yet!
The gameplay? Amazing. I loved a lot of things in this game, especially the cameos of other villains that people tend to forget. The design, the graphics, well, they were great.
The Joker was shit. And I do mean it, because a) the formula plot was dumb as hell b) the joker's personality is NOT like that and it was incredibly misguided that the Joker tried to kill Batman (he doesn't! EVER) and c) Harley's portrayal was an absolute disaster.
Other than that, it was a great game. I give it 7/10.
I like your style and the flow of the review so far. Its not bogged down and isn't allowed to run away with itself (unlike mine). Its easy to read through, straight to the point and just with a little personal flare. I'll definitely check out the rest of your content and keep an eye out for future posts!