School For Scoundrels

School For Scoundrels Do things usually not go your way? Do you get picked on? Does your wife abuse you? Do you live in your grandparents' basement and dream of moving up to the main house? Do you simply want to be cool? Whatever the case, how cool would it be if for $5,000 dollars in a plain manila envelope, you could take classes on how to be cool and get what you want? I assure you, it's not as great as it sounds.

In this 2006 film written and directed by Todd Phillips, Jon Heder ditches the big red 'fro and the helmet to play the timid meter maid, Roger. Roger is a complete pushover, has severe confidence issues, and suffers panic attacks when he feels nervous. His life is filled with ridicule and rejection, and he gets no respect at all; especially at work. Roger admits to feeling very alone, and gets taken advantage of a lot. He lives alone in a New York apartment, quietly admiring the Australian beauty in his building, Amanda (Jacinda Barrett). Basically, think of the token underdog in movies, and you've got the nerdy Roger Wadell.

After getting a tip from a friend about these 'confidence building classes', Roger calls in and enrolls himself. Things don't start out well for Roger, after confrontations with the very large, intimidating assistant, Lesher, and the man himself, Dr. P. (Played by Billy Bob Thornton).

The Dr. is a mysterious, loud, and confident man who doesn't waste any time putting his students down and reminding them just how much they suck. He's a very bossy man with outrageous and sometimes dangerous methods; but he promises results and of course the group of oblivious, insecure men are putty in his hand. The main thing Dr. P teaches, is to "lie, lie, and lie some more", and he later proves he too follows this strategy closely.

Soon, Roger starts to learn from the Dr, and things start to go his way. He finally gains the confidence to ask the beautiful Amanda out, but soon after things look up for our hero, they come crashing down just as quickly. Dr. P has met Amanda and decides that he to wants her. Can Roger beat the backstabbing Dr. P at his own game and win back the heart of his girl?

I have seen this movie, many many times, and I think it's underrated. It's got a lot of funny, witty lines, most of them from the wonderful Sarah Silverman, who plays Amanda's roommate, Becky. School For Scoundrels is a cute film about revenge, love, friendship, and conquering your demons. It's one of my favourites.

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