The Host

The Host A movie with enough suspense, action, and comedy to entertain you for the duration of the film. The movie's creature effects and animation were superb, you'd swear you were watching an actual mutated abomination wreaking havoc across the silver screen as it terrorizes the populace.

With dark humor that feels inappropriate for the scene or witty with a tongue-in-cheek twist, one can't help but smile. At times you'd almost mistake the movie for a comedy, with its "Sitcom" like gags and jokes. But there is still enough suspense to grab you and pull you back to what the primary objective of the movie was, to entertain on different levels.

Whether you want to watch it for the comedy aspect, the suspense/horror, or the crazy action scenes, you can't help but sit tight and watch the movie till the end credits. For example, I viewed the movie with my girlfriend, who is a skeptical movie watcher. But once the first harrowing creature encounter occurred, she was hooked and wouldn't even go to the bathroom until the movie was done!

The horror/suspense aspect of the movie really plays off the "Unexpected attack" moniker, since the creature can move in water and on land. I personally have a huge fear of deep dark water, and the movie certainly exploited that fear in me. As you watch it grow, hunt, kill, and capture, you can't help but try to identify what form of beast it is. Is it part fish and salamander? My girlfriend said it looked like a mix between the "Predator" and a piranha.

Regardless of what its true nature is, it's creepy enough to make you dread going into lakes and ponds, and question that dark spot in the water.

Although it does have both Korean and English dubbed languages with subtitles, don't let that discourage you. The voice acting may not be Oscar worthy, but at least it's audible and clear without mumbling.

A touching movie as well, with some heart breaking scenes of despair and emotion, it boils down to a fractured family that just wants the little girl back at all costs. It may not be for everyone who views it, but it certainly is worth the smiles, chuckles and jumping you'll do in your seat.

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