The Boy in the striped Pajamas

The Boy in the striped Pajamas As you already know this is the week to remember those of who fought in the wars for our freedom and as their own.

All day I've been on the computer looking up names of people who are related to me in some way that fought in one of the wars. And lucky enough I've came across many.

A lot of people know that I'm utterly in love with anything that has happened in War World two and I enjoy reading and writing anything about it. As I was looking up these names I turned my head and a movie popped up on tv called ' The boy in the Striped Pajamas'

And it caught me so well, its set during World War II, a story seen in the eyes of a young eye year old boy named Bruno who's dad is a commandant at a concentration camp, finding out about a friendship Bruno has started with a young Jewish boy on the other side of the fence.

'Given how horrific the events of the Holocaust were, it’s no surprise that the film world is still exploring how those events affected everyone involved. The Boy in Striped Pajamas takes a new perspective, framing the story through the eyes of eight-year old Bruno. His father is a Nazi officer, transferred into a position of oversight of a concentration camp (and later revealed in one of the movie’s strongest moments to be in charge of creating pro-camp propaganda films). Bruno and his sister spent their youth sheltered in Berlin, not picking up much of what had been going around Germany. Upon arrival, though, they find themselves secluded in the countryside.' -Paste Magazine

Honestly I haven't seen it yet even tho its already out and showing. But I suggest you to go see it if your highly in love with these types of movies as I am.

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