Into the Wild

Into the Wild This movie is about freedom, you know? It really is, it's not about the trip, or Alaska, or the human need for others. It's a film about the liberty and its quest.

This guy, originally named Christopher McCandless, is the guy with the bright future ahead. He has the notes to get into Harvard, he has the money, he was the way clear. Only he despises all of it. He wants truth in life, reality over all, he is hungry for freedom, for true existence. He doesn't want to go to college and get a job. He wants to discover the very essence, the very score life is written on.

He is the perfect Dharma bum, the young man who is reborn by his own means. He knows he won't find it in the rich suburbia, so he legs it. He goes off, with nothing but his freedom, himself and the road. I was surprised that he never mentioned Jack Kerouac, or the beatniks, for he is the perfect beatnik! He follows the same route, heading west and with the same eager desire of finding something, out there.

With his books, and his quotes he makes a trip of a life time, passing through hippies, old school west men, a crazy couple with no idea of whats going on, and finally Alaska. It's impossible not to fall in love with him, and his liberty, it really is. In each stop of his way, he becomes someone who will last on everyone's memory. A brilliant mind with a brilliant heart, that can't help but influence and change all those who stand around him.

It really is a marvelous story, and the music and books around it are wonderfully blend in it. I can't tell you the end, all I can say is listen to its message and its soul. In the end it's what Chris would have wanted.

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