Twilight: The Movie

Twilight: The Movie I saw this movie opening day at 3:40, right after school. I have several things to say. First, it was a good movie. It followed the book pretty faithfully, which is impressive considering the length of the book. Second, it met my expectations. I didn't put them too high because movies are never as good as the book, but I did expect it to be a good movie. Last, for those who hadn't read the book (men in particular) were/will probably [be] disappointed after seeing the movie because they'd been thinking it'd be more vampire and less chick flick.

The casting was pretty ingenious. I know a lot of people weren't happy with the choices of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as the leading roles, but I thought they each played their characters perfectly. You have to admit, Rob did good at being . . . perfect, and Kris easily portrayed Bella's awkward clumsiness.

It was fairly low-budget, too, but it didn't show. They set it up for New Moon, and ended it nicely. The movie was witty, comical, and pretty much what I expected of it. I mean, there was so much hype about it because of how the book practically swept the nation off our feet, but I knew better than to get too excited, but that didn't stop me from practically wetting my pants every time a preview came on.

Yes, I have read all four books, and I sincerely adore each and every one of them (although, of course, New Moon is always a sad one), and I wasn't disappointed with the movie. For me, it satisfactorily *cough* made me swoon at Edward - which is obviously the objective for his character - and make me envy Bella with a fiery passion.

Admittedly, I saw this movie with my dad, and he actually liked it well enough, but like i said, he was expecting more cool vamp action and less gushy romance. It's also a relief. My stomach got butterflies every time I so much as thought about the movie, and now I'm just ready to buy it on Blu-ray. =]

Twilight was also pretty passionate. I found it hard not to get a little teary-eyed a couple of times when the other characters did, mainly Bella because I'm pretty certain that Edward is incapable of crying . . . regardless, I'm no easy cryer, so I was impressed.

I grant it my respect.

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