The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight This thrilling movie kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Batman is still saving Gotham, but he thinks his being a hero is time to end. He then meets Harvey Dent who put over 100 prisoners in jail without a mask to hide his identity. Wayne thinks Dent is the new hero who doesn’t have to hide his face.

But when the Joker starts to cause trouble and demands for batman to reveal his identity, or one person a day will die what will he do? This sequel of the previous ones is one of the best movies I have seen. The other movies may have quenched your taste in batman, but this one can change your mind about them.

I definitely recommend The Dark Knight. Those who have not seen any yet you shouldn’t watch the others, a friend told me the others are what made her dislike them altogether. So looking for a movie to make you sit on the edge of your seat? Want one that makes you want to watch it over and over again or have to go buy it from the store? This is one of those movies so go to the store and buy it.

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