Confessions of a Copyaholic, Haven't We Seen It All Before?

Confessions of a Copyaholic, Haven't We Seen It All Before? Let’s face it. We all adored the chic flicks "13 Going on 30", "27 Seven Dresses", and who can forget the famous "The Devil Wears Prada." Now combine various scenes from all these movies rearrange them and throw in a couple discussions about a green scarf and you've got Confessions of a Shopaholic.

I distinctly remember a scene in "13 Going on 30" where Jenna Rink is attending her first board meeting at a magazine. Then fast forward five years and I swore I was watching the same exact scene all over again, in Confessions of A Shopaholic. Just substitute Jennifer Garner for the red head Isla Fisher and, Andy Serkis for the more attractive Hugh Dancy.

There are too many similarities between these successful chic flicks and this want-to-be, then can possibly be passed off as coincidence. The producers and directors have found a pattern that works; weddings, romance with their boss, a love triangle, a extremely pretty antagonist who has everything, shopping, the fashion industry, and magazine industry. And yes, Confessions has it all. The three second wedding scene, the endless shopping scenes that often left you wondering how could they possibly find so much music that relates to shopping, the romance with her boss, which no one seems to find inappropriate. Also her boss turns out to speak "Prada", have a famous mother, and was strong enough to turn away from his family's money and fame to pursue his own life, which leads him to an editor at a financial magazine? Yep, it doesn’t get any juicer than that, folks.

Everything in this film feels scripted and fake. It also appeals to the stereotypical women icon that many women and men in our country believe in. Shouldn't we be making movies about strong women who fight for what they believe in? Instead of movies saying how we are all stereotypical shopaholics, who can't even pay there own bills.

Sure you can take your daughter to this movie. You can take your mother, and your great aunt, and shucks you can even take your grandmother. If you can afford to waste your money when you basically seeing a movie you've not only seen a billion times but probably also own on DVD. Invite your grandmother over for some tea and "13 Going on 30", our nation is already messed up as it is, don't waste your money on our failing economy and our failing attempts to make movies that actually seem like we haven’t seen it all before.

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