Twilight: Movie Not As Good As The Book?

Twilight: Movie Not As Good As The Book? Twilight. An amazing piece of literature, filled with blood thinning suspense, and edge-of-your-seat, -bed, -couch, or where ever you happen to read it, romance. As much as I adored the book, it was my favorite of all time, and probably will be for many, many years, the movie did not satisfy to my exact taste.

The movie cropped out many points in the movie, or added new ones. I know that movies aren't like the books many times, (example: Harry Potter, Eragon, etc.) but they changed many things, things that I, as a fan, and a critic, noticed should have been left in certain order. Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie and thought it was as spine tingling as the book, but I thought it could have been much, much better.

For example, I noticed that the meadow scene, isn't anything close to what Meyer describes in her book. The meadow scene starts off with an original trip to Seattle, which was never even mentioned in the movie. Edward drives part of the way, not follows her at school into the forest. They both walk to the meadow, not her on his back, with him running. It was in the meadow, that Bella saw, for the first time, Edward in the sun, not a patch of sunlight. I do have to admit though, I thought that even though they missed some key points there, it seemed to flow better. Edward (Robert Pattinson) was amazingly talented in this scene, and this scene especially, full of rage, and emotion, yet he maintained to stay within his certain, allowed, boundaries with Bella.

Also, Bella, (Kristen Stewart), never once went out for dinner with her dad, Charlie, (Billy Burke) in the book. She always, except the exceptional time for when she was with Edward, made dinner at home. The restaurant they went to every Thursday, was never even mentioned in the book.

Another point, was that in the book, Edward and Bella sat alone at lunch, at their own table in the cafeteria. They never once seemed to sit by themselves, or even together, during lunch. I thought that was one of the major parts of the book, and I seemed to like it better than her sitting with her friends.

I also noticed, that Edward admitted to being a vampire on the way back from Port Angeles in the book, not in the forest.

Here are some other points that I noticed. For one, Edward and Bella never leave his house the day that she formally meets Carlisle, (Peter Facinelli), Esme, (Elizabeth Reaser), Alice (Ashley Greene), Jasper (Jackson Rathbone), Emmett (Kellan Lutz) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed), but in the movie, they leave and go climbing trees, and they talk. The dance that Mike (Michael Welch), Tyler (Gregory Tyree Boyce), and Eric (Justin Chon) (almost) ask Bella to was originally the Girls Choice dance, and then at the end of the book was the prom, and Bella had no idea they were going. But in the movie its the Prom, and there was no Girls Choice at all. I noticed that the part in the book where they are trying to find out what to do with Bella after running into James (Cam Gigandet), in the Jeep, was never shown in the movie, when Edward said “Shut up, Emmett”, was one of my favorite parts. There were a few other minor details, but I found them slightly unimportant.

I did find that I had some favorite parts to the movie, one of them being when she thinks shes dreaming, and seeing Edward, but really he's actually there. Another one being when they're leaning up against the tree, and he says, “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.” and Bella responds to him by saying “What a stupid lamb.” but he says something about the lion, “What a sick, masochistic lion.”

Another favorite would probably be when Charlie's holding the gun and Bella wants him to meet Edward, it just seemed pretty funny to me. I also liked when Mike was talking to Bella about Edward, and he said that he looked at Bella like she was something to eat. I liked when Edward and Bella went to prom, even with her cast on her leg. Or when Edward had to suck the venom out of Bella's blood, yes I do admit, I cried.

Although there were many parts removed, some added, modified, etc. I did enjoy the movie. I thought the casting was perfect, and even with the removal and addition of some parts, it was spectacular, and I will definitely be buying the movie when it comes out on DVD. This movie deserves 4.5 out of a brilliant 5 stars.

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