The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas Imagine having a friend that you can only speak to at a certain time. A friend who is afraid to play ball with you. A friend who is in a concentration camp. A friend who is a victim of the Holocaust. Imagine being Bruno.

Bruno is your average eight year old boy. He goes to school, goes on adventures, and plays with friends. But while on an adventure in the woods by his new home, Bruno finds a new friend. A friend who lives on a farm, and wears striped pajamas. His name was Shmuel.

When Bruno met Shmuel, they were instant friends. Bruno would return every day to his friend's "farm" with food and a game to play. Bruno would ask his new friend questions, and his curiosity began to grow. When Bruno asked his sister, Greta, about the farm by his home, she told him that it is a work camp for Jews. Jews were the enemy. Jews were the reason that they lost the war.

This film is heart felt and touching. It teaches everyone about the gift of friendship and seeing past people's beliefs. If you enjoy learning about the Holocaust, you will enjoy this movie. I highly recommend buying this film or even reading the book.

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