Twilight (Special Edition DVD)

Twilight (Special Edition DVD) The story that over a million fans read around to globe, a clumsy human girl moves to the rainiest place in the continental US and meets a handsome and dark vampire. Now everyone's favorite vampire book is available on DVD.

Actress Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) did a fantastic job portraying the clumsy main character of this year's Twilight. I have always admired Kristen's acting skills. When word got out that Kristen had been casted to play Isabella Swan, there were the Twilighters who protested against her, and then there were the few who thought that she would be the right one. I agree with the few of them. Kristen's performance during the ballet scene was phenomenal! I mean, how many 18 year old actresses who can show that much pain? Although she did a great job at being Bella I will admit that there were a few moments where it was painful to watch her; example the hospital scene where she expressed her opinion about Edward leaving her.

Then this leads us to Robert Pattinson who plays the famous Edward Cullen, the vampiric star in every girl's wet dreams. Rob is everything Edward Cullen should be. Handsome, mysterious, and well... handsome. Even though he is what Edward should be, doesn't exactly mean that he is everything that he is. Robert is a great actor but not as great as Kristen. He made a good move in focusing on only Edward's faults, but other than that he did an okay job. I was impressed by his accent talent, and his ability to not make me think of Harry Potter but when it came to Robert there were a few more awkward moments than there were real moments.

But the stars' acting aside, this movie is absolutely fantastic. Cathrine Hardwick did a fantastic job in directing this movie. She went into this with her head held high and knowing that it was a major challenge that could make or break not only her career but the actors she was working with. Luckily for everyone she knew what she was doing.

The movie was fantastic, but if had its faults. The special effects were awesome, but some remind me of a watered down version of the effects used in Queen of the Damned (2002), blurry but not blurry enough, and the sparkling vampire.... I will admit it's rather difficult to make someone sparkle as if their skin was embedded with a million diamonds but is still smooth like marble.

The movie is okay. If you're like me who have read all of the books then the movie was only slightly disappointing, but if you haven't then it's still a decent movie. This is why I'm giving Twilight two different ratings. For those who have read the books and know the ins and outs of the story, the movie gets a 2 1/2 out of 4. However for those who haven't read the books the movie will get a 3 out of 4, it's a great summary.

The movie is for anyone who doesn't want to read the books but are curious as to what all the fuss is about. It's also good for anyone who likes vampire movies. But I warn you, Edward is no Lestat, but he is a Louis - a good guy.

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