Twilight (Special Edition DVD) - Comments

  • I'm not a twilight fan at all because i think vampires should stick to the original myth as blood suckers who fear the light but, i did enjoy the love story and I'm guessing that was the most important thing to the story and the vampires where just icing on the cake. The movie bombed no one's fault except for the directors of course. It could have been a lot better the graphic were cheap the mood was corny and the acting was a little shaky.
    June 13th, 2009 at 07:16pm
  • i don't agree with the people who thought the acting was bad. it was the directors fault! she could of fixed them up as much as chris weitz is doing in new moon!( they're doing great at acting in this movie! IT WAS CATHERINE'S FAULT!!
    June 9th, 2009 at 03:36am
  • I thought the books were amazing. The movie wasn't very good though. I thought the soundtrack was awesome. Muse, Paramore, Linkin Park and Iron & Wine. Can't get much better. Yeah, I agree, Kristen and Rob definitely can't act. I like Taylor Lautner better. I can't wait for the next one - they've actually got a decent director. Need one with all the special affects. Wouldn't be surprised if Cathrine Hardwicke got a load of wolf puppets in for the werewolves. LOL
    June 8th, 2009 at 12:17pm
  • I think there was only one scene where Rob was good, and that was when he invited Bella to his house. He looked like he was concentrating too hard. Kristen was horrible. I mean she's a good actor, but this wasn't her best by a long shot.

    I think Catherine Hardwicke was high throughout the entire production. Why she gave the whole movie the look like its filmed through a water bottle, I'll never know.
    May 25th, 2009 at 09:59am
  • I also agree- Kirsten = no acting ability. Period.
    May 21st, 2009 at 04:57pm
  • i agree with Ryan Ross;;
    kristen was god-awful!!!
    the only time she tried to convey ANY emotion was in the bit where edward tried to strap her into the car ('I'VE GOT IT') and that still came out sounding like a confused yeti
    and her 'clumsy' acting was terrible, bella's meant to be uncoordinated, not retarded
    in my opinion it does live up to the book
    they both make me want to jump infront of the next oncoming bus
    May 19th, 2009 at 06:47pm
  • I thought Kristen Stewart was horrible in this movie. Her expression throughout the entire movie was so... Blank. She didn't have many emotions at all. I didn't like her acting.
    Again, I didn't like Robert Pattison either.
    I thought the movie was terrible. The movie skipped a lot of important scenes from the book, the acting was bad, and all around it was really boring and just as bad as the books were.
    May 13th, 2009 at 01:40am
  • ^^ hehehe My mom is so excited to have the twilight DVD. =] I thought it was okay, of course some things were a little faulty in the movie, but nah it was alright. =) I liked it.
    May 11th, 2009 at 09:43pm