
Stardust Stardust, a beautiful fairytale which shines off the screen with a soft blend of fantasy, action, love and comedy. Chills shot down my spin at the sight of numerous fantasy scenes and the relationship between characters.

Charlie Cox and Claire Danes work superbly together as Tristan (Cox) escorts the fallen star (Danes) from a forbidden kingdom to his one true love - Victoria. The two of them endure a journey of captivating magic, evil witches, embarrassing love and a camp pirate (De Niro) with his crew.

However, obstacles are incorporated into their journey when an evil witch (Pfeiffer) endures a quest to cut out the heart of the fallen star to repossess the youth of herself and her two sisters. Meanwhile, in order to receive the reign of becoming king, four princes go on a journey to retrieve the necklace around the neck of the fallen star. The story adapts into a race against time. Tristan must get to England in time for Victoria’s birthday, the witch must cut out the heart of the star before she shrivels with age and the remaining princes must retrieve the necklace before anyone.

The overall elements of the film including the story, cast, directing and its well balanced mix of genres, failed to disappoint me and I remained enticed throughout. But, unfortunately, the graphics failed to appear realistic at times, particularly in some of the background scenes which reduced the fantastical immensity of these scenes.

The graphics used to illustrate the use of magic, however, were accurate and succeeded in developing the fantasy element of the film and were able to eliminate previous graphic faults that may have been recognized.

Stardust is certainly an outstanding work of family entertainment which will entertain an audience of any age.

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