Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 I have to admit that when I first walked into the movie theater I was worried. For some reason sequels just don't seem to have the same magic and effect as the originals (Shrek). So my first concern was: would this movie be a disappoinment?

First I have to say that the movie started with a Pixar short: Day and Night. The short was great. There was no talking but you could tell what the characters were trying to tell the audience, it was very sweet and very humorous. The short is kind of hard to explain so I hope you will watch it. Now on to the actual movie.

When the Disney castle appeared on the screen the whole theater went quiet and as I sat there watching the letters at the begining I felt weird. I had watched the original Toy Story when I was about three years old, and the second one when I was about seven, and as I watched the giant three being placed in the title I teared up a little. The begining scene in the movie was in one word: awesome. I didn't think that Toy Story would have action at the very first three minutes of the movie, as soon as the scene starts you notice the amazing visual of the movie. The visuals in the movie are very important because it all feel so real, it feels as if any moment you were just going to fall into the screen (3D, people, I recomend it), the scene that follows is a tearjerker. Not only that but the visuals give a lot of emotion into the characters' faces, even when they're in their toy mode you can see what they're feeling just by looking at their eyes.

So the main plot of the story is that Andy is going to college, and seeing that he's about eighteen years old it's obvious to see that he doesn't play with his toys anymore. So what's going to happen to them? Well, due to some mishap, the beloved toys end up in Sunnyside Day Care, which seems like paradise at first but they soon find out that it's not all what it seems, so they try to escape. Everything in the story is gold, it doesn't forget the themes of the other movies (like Shrek), but it actually builds up on them making those themes stronger. I'm glad that fifteen years after the original, Toy Story 3 felt like a new adventure. My compliments to the writer because everything in this movie is genious. The comedy is spot on, the adventure is exciting, the suspense keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the emotional parts are going to make you want to cry.

The characters in this movie are so dynamic that I just can't help but love these toys, weather good or bad. The original gang is here: Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bullseye, Slinky, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, and the three little green aliens. These characters, to me, brought back a lot of old memories but also brought in a lot of new thrills, they also feel so alive because the voice actors do a great job at bringing the characters to life (my props to Tom Hanks and Tim Allen). The new characters are also as good as the old ones, if not better, Lots O' Huggin Bear, Barbie, Ken, and Bonnie are just some of them and they were a great addition to the series. What I loved about the characters was that they hit you right in the heart and it hurts.

This movie has everything you could ever ask for in an animated movie, or any movie in general! During this movie I cried, I laughed, I screamed, and I cried again but i have never left a movie theater so sastified before. This movie met and exceeded all my expectations, it's Pixar after all, and it ended so perfectly that I didn't really ask for more, it tied all lose ends perfectly and left nothing left to be desired. Toy Story 3 makes the perfect comeback for such a beloved series and ended it all with a bang. If (by some chance) someone from Pixar is reading this I want to say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart because I was lucky, no blessed, to have been part of the generation that got to experience the genious that is Pixar. So, I have no idea how I can recomend this movie any more than this, this is the perfect movie, and I cried when the movie ended but not because of the eding (which is super sad by the way) but because as I saw the credits roll I felt as if my childhood ended along with it, and you feel that as the characters let go of their loved ones you must do the same, you must let go.

So, I totally recomend this movie to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! Again thanks to Pixar for bringing us such great experiences, not just with Toy Story but with every movie they make and I'm looking forward to their next movies. So go watch it, it's totally worth it!

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