An Inconvenient Truth

Should we prepare for other threats besides terrorists?

The Question is asked by Al Gore, who in his documentary An Inconvenient Truth does his very best to make us realize what’s happening to out planet, and what it does to all the living creatures here. This movie delivers a very clear message: we need to do something to stop global warming before it is too late, and we don’t have much time. Everything the humans do has an impact on the planet.

The movie with all its facts, graphs and photographs is very convincing, and it presents a reality many of us don’t even think about. What’s going to happen if the arctic ice melts? What will happen if the lakes dry out? And what can we do together to stop it? Al presents answers to all these questions, and the perhaps most frightening fact of them all is the fact that if the sea levels rise by 7 metres, over 100 million people will have to evacuate their homes. The movie is very successful in delivering it’s message, capturing the audience and convincing the viewers.

What helps making the movie better is the clear statements and the clarity of the message – there is no doubt in his arguments, and he has clearly put a lot of effort in his work to make the audience remember all of it and to make them think about it. He uses some visual effects to better demonstrate his points and the statistics, which definitely makes it easer to see the enormous differences and shocking developments. Even though the movie was made in 2006, it’s still a vey relevant movie. The planet needs out help more than ever, and this movie is a very good way to educate both students and adults about the global warming. It informs properly about climate changes, what impact we have on the nature and what will happen if we don’t do something. Even though the movie is very good and presents some very good points, it lasts a little too long. They should’ve tried to make the movie a little shorter because if the movie is too long, the audience could lose focus after a while and they won’t remember ad much of the movie as they would if they paid attention the whole time.

The main message that repeats itself throughout the whole movie is that we need to do something drastic in order to stop the global warming and save the planet. There are so many things people can do to help, and it’s not necessarily expensive or difficult to be kind to the environment. After viewing this movie, it is clear that we need to cut back on our carbon dioxide emissions and avoid cutting down forests. These are just 2 things that can be done, but there are hundreds of small things you can do in your home to help stopping global warming. Just by recycling you could help reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.

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