Tangled In a Web of Classical Disney Magic

What did you say? Disney is producing their last classical animated motion picture? My friend and I went out to watch it in the theater at once and we totally loved it! I cried in the end, but that should not make you impressed since I usually cry when there’s a happy ending.

On the other hand there was a lot in this movie that should make you impressed! I don’t think I ever read the fairy tale of Rapunzel, but the way Disney presents her adventures on her way to the flying lights is wonderfully entertaining and amusing for boys, girls, men and women of all ages, which is definitely a critier for a successful Disney movie.

As I mentioned I did cry, but what I did more than that was laugh. All the small girls in the theater laughed with me and we almost fell of our comfortable cinema chairs while laughing at Rapunzel's reactions to her new world, and when all her inner conflicts was spoken out loud, that made things even funnier!

Some quotes come out of nowhere and make you laugh so hard your stomach starts to ache. If you can’t find anything funny in this movie, I think that it might be something wrong with you, seriously! Some of my favorite quotes were: 'They just can’t get my nose right!’, 'Head down, arms in, knees apart. What do I need my knees apart f…’ and ‘I can get used to a view like this… I’m used to it, guys I want a castle.'

No matter what movies you usually watch or like I would recommend you to giving this one a try. It’s alarmingly fun and absolutely on the top of my Movies-I-Have-To-buy list!

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