Julie & Julia - A Deranged Assignment

356 days, 524 recipes. Julie is a woman that has never finished a thing in her life. She’s working to help those who suffered after 9/11, trying to fit in with her old friends and writing a blog. It’s a blog about her new project, 524 recipes from a cookbook written by Julia Child in 1961 to be finished in under a year. This can’t happen without some sacrifices, but what have to go? Her job, her husband or maybe even her cat? But there’s a more pressing question, will she finally be able to finish something she has started?

The main focus is on Julie’s story, but we get glimpses from Julia Child’s life as well. My main reason to watch this movie was that Meryl Streep had one of the leading roles, but I’m afraid I was a bit disappointed in her. I‘m left with the feeling that she really overplayed her role. I am not shore if that’s how Julia Child was in real life, but it did not suit Meryl Streep very well.

Something you just now are going to happen, and so on there are very few moments of surprise in this movie. The plot and the ideas were original and absolutely fantastic, but the execution of it was not that good. I did enjoy some characters in this movie even though I did not enjoy Meryl Streep’s Julia. Amy Adams portraying of Julie was marvelous mainly because that panicky and stressed character can to her so easily. I also enjoyed Chris Messina portraying Julie’s husband Eric and Stanley Tucci portraying Julia’s husband Paul.

All in all, it was a great movie. Not a bad movie, not a bestseller, but absolutely worth the one hour and 59 minutes it will take you to watch it one time.

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