Welcome To Stake Land

Stake Land- where the most dangerous thing is to be alive.

If you're looking for a typical vampire movie where you can predict the ending from the moment you sit in your seat and press "play", then this isn't the movie for you. If, however, you're the type who likes to be able to think and speculate and be totally captivated by a movie then give Stake Land a try. It has the essence of a typical horror movie but it's intelligent too, when you figure something out you just hope that the characters do as well!

The movie follows the story of teenage boy Martin and hardcore vampire killer Mister who are both traveling towards Canada- where the rumored New Eden is. Along the way they have to outsmart and escape not only vampires, but the other people who have survived as well.

While they face a group of religious extremists who think the vampire plague is sent from God, the two learn that maybe taking in other people for friends isn't such a good idea after all.

With a brilliant cast of actors, it's refreshing that they aren't all big names and familiar faces- it adds to the real feeling that Stake Land gives. A combination of horror survival and a coming of age film, it receives a positive 77% rating from Rotten Tomatoes and is definitely worth seeing.

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