
Truthfully, when I first payed for my ticket to see this movie I was a little apprehensive at first. I saw the commercials and everybody was getting so hyped over it because it was something new...well kind of. A story that reminded me of Cloverfield mixed with X-men sounded like a good idea but I really thought everybody was getting hyped for nothing. Until I saw the movie. I sat in that theater for 80 something minutes and I was so caught up in the story that I started praying for a sequel.

Chronicle features three main characters, one named Andrew. Andrew lives a pretty horrible life with his abusive alcoholic father and a dying mother. This pretty much makes him an angry outcast. One night, when the three friends go to this party, something weird happens, and the next day they develop telepathic powers which strengthens their friendship. That is, until all of Andrew's anger, humiliation and power, since he's the strongest out of the three, goes to his head leading to some really awsome events.

Overall, I thought the movie was a relief from all the other hand filmed ones and it had good acting with some pretty good looking actors. It stays a total mystery about how the boys got their power but I thought it was great. I give it a 9 out of 10.

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