We Need To Talk About Kevin, Really - Comments

  • julialynn!

    julialynn! (100)

    United States
    Earlier on, I had to stop myself halfway through your article to watch it. I've been meaning to and it just seemed like it'd be interesting to watch. I had no idea what I was in for.

    The defiance and rudeness I could understand coming from a child but his cunning nature at such a young age was truly horrifying. I would never want my child, when the day comes, to think I never loved them. Yes people do make mistakes, and accidents happens, but children.. are miracles in my eyes.

    Throughout the whole movie I just wanted to read Kevin's mind. What was going on in there? Why was he so disturbed? His mother was very caring and she did in fact love him and she cast aside her dreams for her family. Of course she missed it, but why would you hate her for it? Truly hate her, guilt yes, but hatred? It's so odd. Even if some mothers hate the thought of sacrificing one's dreams for their children, they give up everything because they love you, and that's what Eva did for Kevin. I truly feel bad for both of them in the end because they will never be able to have another family again. Their lives are corrupted forever at this point.

    The gross aspects truly made me want to throw up. The eye socket cleaning scene. The masturbating scene. The guinea pig being killed in the sink.

    All in all I loved it, though it was creepy to the core.

    P.S. Guinea pig. Not a hamster. I have four of them.. I'm going to go cry now.
    June 6th, 2012 at 08:40am
  • waves wash

    waves wash (155)

    United States
    Felt like I saw the movie. The article made me Shocked
    June 6th, 2012 at 12:24am
  • koolness4u

    koolness4u (500)

    United States
    This is a great article. Very descriptive of the characters and the plot. Although perhaps a little too descriptive seeing as it gives away the ending and pretty much every spoiler known to the movie. Which is fine because I have already seen it about two days ago. I found it very disturbing. And learned absolutely nothing from it. Repeatedly I kept asking my mom if kids could actually be like that and she told me that really doesn't happen. Right from the beginning he is too evil, too knowledgable, and manipulative and hateful towards his mom but you do bring up some good points, maybe it was her hatred that fueled his. It was just disturbing and I was very frustrated by the end where she hugged him after he killed her husband and daughter as if everything was okay and didn't demand a reason earlier. Perhaps you could talk more about the cast too?
    June 3rd, 2012 at 10:31pm
  • DarlingBacon

    DarlingBacon (155)

    Wow, I just watched this movie because of your article. Honestly, that was one of the most melancholic movies I've ever watched. There's actually so much emotion...and so much sadness. Your article is very interesting and very well written also.
    June 2nd, 2012 at 05:55pm