Snow White and the Huntsman: Not the Fairest of Them All - Comments

  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    I'm going to go ahead and disagree with most of these commenters: I actually found the Queen highly annoying and melodramatic, which of course Theron kind of had to be because that IS the role of the evil queen, but still I found it unbelievable. And did anyone else get that Game of Thrones, incestuous vibe from the queen and her brother, Finn? Very Cersei and Jaime Lannister.

    I actually found Kristen Stewart's performance as Snow White more believable than how most people seem to find it. Maybe it was because she was a more likeable character than Bella Swan. And Snow and the huntsman were a slightly odd but sweet couple, though I agree that there should have been some more chemistry and interaction between them.

    I found William an unnecessary pain in the bum, and could they have given Finn a more annoying haircut?

    All in all, I found the movie enjoyable enough considering it seemed to be a blend between Game of Thrones, The Chronicles of Narnia and, sadly, Twilight (not just because of Kristen but with her as Snow I couldn't help but compare some of the camera shots and effects to those in the Twilight Saga. Hello, overhead shot of K.Stew in the foetal position in an empty forest).
    June 25th, 2012 at 03:41pm
  • visualprince

    visualprince (305)

    Hong Kong
    I haven't exactly seen the movie. I was interested, but somehow I had the feeling that it would be a huge disappointment. I love how you're so truthful about Kristen's acting abilities, because, honestly, I think it was a bad move for her to be the lead.
    June 13th, 2012 at 11:45am
  • Greenisthenewevil

    Greenisthenewevil (100)

    United States
    I liked your review and believe you covered her acting ability and performance perfectly, seeing as she had the leading role. I don't understand how she got the part in general because Snow White is suppose to be 'the fairest in the lands' while the role in the Twilight series clearly says she is a plane Jane nothing special. Her poor ability to cover emotions on film make the movie awkward to watch and draws away from all the emotions the other actors are putting out there. One bad actor can ruin what could have been a great film and I think you pointed that out, even though it should be obvious to just about anyone who watches her. People often say well she's taken acting classes and I say so what? I could go sign up for vocal classes but that doesn't mean I can sing well. Again I say I like your review.
    June 13th, 2012 at 06:30am
  • Merida

    Merida (120)

    United States
    I agree with this completely. I was dissapointend by this movie considering the hype for it.
    June 13th, 2012 at 01:44am
  • Ave.Maria.

    Ave.Maria. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I agree with 'The Wolves' I am so sick of hearing people complain about Kristen Stewart's acting skills. I understand that we are all entitled to our own opinions but complaining about her smile, which I see her do all the time - I think is quite pathetic. I've seen her laugh smile in interviews and movies and cannot understand how it is any less or worse from some other actors who act way more serious than she does. Is this what is has come down to these days? We judge actors by how much they smile in interviews? Kristen Stewart has been to acting school, she has been in movies since she was twelve years old I'm pretty sure that she has some experience. If you find her amount of smiles inadequate, why not blame the directors or the writers - or simply watch a movie about the power puff girls?

    Also, why would many well respected producers and casting directors continue to cast her in big movies if she can 'obviously not act'?? I agree that it often comes down to the simple fact that everyone hates her, therefore we all must.

    Finally I found this review very interesting and it really helped in my decision to watch the movie.
    June 12th, 2012 at 11:55pm
  • koolness4u

    koolness4u (500)

    United States
    No, actually one thing that I can say about this article is that while it's not exactly "quick" it's to the point and none of the words or opinions have double meanings or are too complex to be understood. I don't know how you didn't benefit from it because it has accurately portrayed many of things others mentioned they had a problem with. Perhaps if you saw the movie you would understand? I understand if you don't like my opinion but the review DOES make sense. That going back and correcting myself was irony... or sarcasm, perhaps you didn't pick up on it.
    June 12th, 2012 at 02:00am
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    I want to go see the movie, and so I read your article. But I was very confused with everything you wrote about. Your sentences were just so puzzling; words were used with different meanings, and you corrected yourself as you went along instead of going back and changing. For example, you said, "Well actually she does depend on others" and you didn't go back and correct it. I'm trying not to be so critical of grammar; it just implies that you disliked it in some points, but you didn't know the information very well.

    For my opinion on Kristen Stewart--I agree with the other comments. The movie had such a theme going on, and such a great storyline, but then the casting of Kristen Stewart gave off an unpleasant vibe to the viewers--especially the teenagers. Honestly, I think that a big part of acting is expressing the mood of the character in your face as well as your gestures and speech. Some say that the characters she plays may not have much expression in their faces, but even during her interviews, she is just very dull, as well as the fact that it would mean that all of her characters don't have any expressions.

    I just think that you were trying to get all these complicated words and twist them into a good meaning, when they really didn't apply at all to what individual topics you were talking about. So, overall, your review was confusing and I didn't get very much benefit from your opinion.
    June 12th, 2012 at 01:23am
  • Dean Winchester;

    Dean Winchester; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Reading through the comments and your article it seems that not many people actually liked the film or Kirsten Stewarts acting...I for one, thought that it was alright, it wasn't the best film but it didn't manage to hold your attention and had a good deal of witty one liners, especially from the seven dwarfs. After seeing this film though, I have begun to respect Stewart more as an actress. Although I don't completely agree with your opinion, it was a well written and structured review.
    June 11th, 2012 at 11:19pm
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    I was incredibly weary about going to watch this after a friend of mine asked me to go with him to watch it. I knew Kristen Stewart was in it and that made me nervous - she let me down in Twilight and every other movie she's been in because she is an emotionless log in my opinion. It is true, as the wolves said that a person doesn't need a million expressions. But I don't think she has a handful of expressions, which needs to be improved. I think she is cast in these roles simply based upon physical characteristic similarities. Because I still do not think she can act that well. She was better in this than other things I've watched her in, but I still was not deeply moved or impressed.

    While I was not a fan of Stewart, I absolutely adored Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen. She was brilliant. I felt the emotion from her, I actually got chill bumps through most of her scenes just because I thought they were so good. I was actually rooting for her to win in the end. I believe the best part of hers was when the mirror was talking to her about snow white, either that or towards the beginning when she killed the king.

    Chris Hemsworth was pretty good as well. I liked him and had a soft spot for his character even if he was the stereotypical "my wife died so I'm going to drink myself to death" character that we often see in movies. He was lovable.

    And can I just say the part that got me the most was the part with the apple? And when the huntsman woke up and the Duke's son (can't be bothered to remember his name) was right by his side and not in the forest? My mouth flew open and my hand went over my mouth. I don't know why it excited me so much, but it did.

    And the fairies in the magic forest? I WANTED TO KEEP THEM.

    That is all.
    June 11th, 2012 at 06:55pm
  • gar-bage

    gar-bage (300)

    United States
    Oh man, I adored it. And I love Kristen Stewart. I don't see a thing wrong with her, honestly. She's not Merly Streep by any means, but I think most people dislike her because it's a popular thing to do right now. I think her face is just fine, a person doesn't need a million expressions. Not everyone is as expressive with their face as others.
    June 11th, 2012 at 05:13pm
  • CassieScars

    CassieScars (100)

    It's fricken Kirsten Stewart.
    Her idea of a smile, is what I compare to a constipated trout.
    Seriously, she's supposed to ''Bring the peace'' when all her face makes me think of is a battle with bowel movements.
    They could have picked a better actress for the lead role.
    June 11th, 2012 at 03:56pm
  • miss.mia

    miss.mia (100)

    United States
    I felt like they had so much to work with- SO MUCH and they ruined it. They had great special effects, good props, good costumes- they had a good idea for the story- it could have been a good, quality film and they just didn't do it. First of all, I don't know why Hollywood continues to give Kristen Stewart a job because she is beyond lacking. Not only is every scene with her the same, but she fails to show emotion, personality. I don't know anything about acting, but she has the acting ability of the Evil Queen's servant, not the lead actress.

    Why on Earth do they keep hiring her? It makes me want to curse out all the directors, producers, and casting agents.

    Also, the movie did drag out far too long, and it was actually pretty boring most of time. I was so disappointed because the trailer looked so good. I was excited. The only people who did a good job was Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron. I was sitting there actually hoping that the Evil Queen would kill Snow White because I couldn't handle her terrible acting any longer.

    Anyway, that's just my opinion. To be honest, Charlize Theron made this movie worth anything. I loved her Evil Queen- you could just BELIEVE she was the Queen. You didn't have to question it. Also, Kristen Stewart needs to learn something from Charlize- it's called ACTING WITH YOUR FACE. You can act even if you don't have any lines. So Kristen, do us a favor and stop looking like a confused puppy in every scene and learn how to act.
    June 10th, 2012 at 08:59pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I haven't seen the movie yet, but it echoes the statements my mom said she heard from critics. It's also convinced me to wait to see this movie until it's out on DVD because I was going for the Queen's character and you informed me her role was not as large as the previews and marketing have made it out to be. Thank you.
    June 10th, 2012 at 01:55am
  • punk ariel.

    punk ariel. (100)

    United States
    I think the movie was great. I loved it, but like Wicked Angels said, I wish she would smile more on the happier parts. Smile
    June 8th, 2012 at 06:50pm
  • IrishSprings

    IrishSprings (100)

    United States
    I don't think Kristen Stewarts acting has changed in the least. She was priased in all of her older movies because she is a great actress in scary or horror movie such as the panic run. She hasn't really had much experience in the romantic kind of movies, so of course the Twilight saga was going to suck. Though Robert Patterson didn't play such a good role either. He sounded like a complete creeper in the first movie and ruined Edward more the Kristen did to Bella. I mean Bella wasn't even that emotional in the books anyway because it was all portayed in her head. I agree with another comment made on her that Snow White was stuck in a tower when she was Ten so to be awkward around people was okay and she didn't have to talk much which was great too. As for Chris Hemsworth the guy is a babe magnet he's good in anything he does. I actually really enjoyed watching the movie and to say that you didn't even remotely like watching it is a lie. One because the evil queen was played perfectly and got everyone excited when she was on screen and the otherwas.... Chris Hemsworth duh!
    June 8th, 2012 at 08:41am
  • julialynn!

    julialynn! (100)

    United States
    I have to say I enjoyed your review, very much.

    I've gotten some praise from it but I didn't take it too seriously because of Kristen Stewart. I did like her acting when she was a child actress but clearly her abilities and attitude have changed. Her roles since the rise of Twilight have all been different, the characters themselves, but she carries them in the same exact way. As an actor you must be like a chameleon and be your character, someone new and different every time. But for her, I don't see a change, I don't see true emotion or expression.

    Anyway, enough about her. Chris Hemsworth is a doll and I enjoy watching him do anything. As well as Theron. They fit the roles perfectly. But they need to cast people for their talent not for their current fame. They chose her, Stewart, because she's the 'it' girl of the moment, because people can't stop talking about her.

    All in all, I'm glad the movie 'Mirror Mirror' was in theaters around the same time. They brought a sense of happiness and it was very nostalgic, versus this movie did not give the original story justice.
    June 8th, 2012 at 04:37am
  • Rikolah

    Rikolah (100)

    United States
    I read some of the comments below and feel the need to back the writer of this article. Though the movie seemed like it should be good, Kristen Stewart kind of ruined it. It's called "Snow White and the Huntsman" and by the title alone, you should know who will receive the most attention... In case no one has figured it out, it's Snow White. There's a reason actors and actresses have the money and notoriety. Like they say, "Haters gon' hate." When it comes to Kristen Stewart, I am a hater. Sorry if that hurts feelings, but I say leave the acting to those that are good at it.

    Accurate review. Two thumbs up for the review.
    June 7th, 2012 at 05:20pm
  • xXxWickedAngelsxXx

    xXxWickedAngelsxXx (150)

    United States
    I, for one, thought it was a great movie. I think the romance should have bubbled a bit more, and Kristen could have smiled wider during the happier times, but other than that, it was a very good movie. :)
    June 7th, 2012 at 08:08am
  • koolness4u

    koolness4u (500)

    United States
    In case you have forgotten a movie review IS a summary of a movie from the view point/opinions of the critic, whether asked for or not. What kind of evidence were you looking for? Her character wasn't supposed to be awkward, yet her acting was. Perhaps you should watch the movie and then come back and make "insightful" critiques. I'd like to see what you thought of it. Thanks.
    June 6th, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • harlequin. girl.

    harlequin. girl. (150)

    United States
    At best, this article is a summary of the movie with your unsolicited opinion thrown in throughout and little to no evidence whatsoever put forth to prove it.
    Also, after being looked up in a tower since she was about ten with little human contact, wouldn't you except Snow White's character to be a bit awkward when it come to relationships - especially those of the romantic sort?
    June 6th, 2012 at 09:18pm