Chernobyl Diaries - Comments

  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    I had trouble liking this movie, it didn't really pull me in until the end, but well...ended.
    June 1st, 2014 at 07:51pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    My dad and I went to go see this a few days after it came out. Me, being a complete wuss, was squirming and freaking out while he was laughing his butt off the entire time. I had to admit, it was a bit cliche to me in some parts of the movie, kind of predictable, but overall I thought it was decent.
    Great article, by the way. (:
    August 8th, 2012 at 06:34am
  • BitterEndXII

    BitterEndXII (200)

    United Kingdom
    I did not find this scary at all - I'll grant actually that it was entertaining for me but I would not put it down as having the goods to become a class horror. I was also put off enitially by the whole idea of sub-human creatures living within Charnobyl, I've always found the idea cheap and illinformed - Almost offensive to those who died, and still live there. The characters were not well developed and I certainly wouldn't reccomend it. I'm happy to state that I've just got back from a two week stay in Pripyat, next door to Chernobyl to photograph the old, ruined buildings of Chernobyl for an artistic project - And did not find myself jumpy or worried. Disappointing movie.
    July 31st, 2012 at 11:16pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Chernobyl Diaries was really disappointing to me and actually, I found it kind of boring. To me, Chernobyl Diaries was not scary at all and it was a pretty bland movie. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and I definitely wouldn't call it a must-see at all. The characters in the movie lacked depth, we knew nothing about them other than their relations with each other. They were just totally random characters that the audience couldn't connect to because we knew nothing about them. The characters seemed like they were pretty much there to just run until they died, like they served no other purpose but to be used for slaughter. And I felt the actors didn't fully commit to their rolls, they didn't seem as motivated to play their parts as actors should be. Not even the actors seemed to be wanting to play their parts.

    Not to mention the ending was totally random. It seemed like they just threw that in there because they had no idea how else to end it. The ending could have been a good one, but it was just such a random ending that it didn't fit with this movie at all. It really seemed like the writers didn't know how to end the movie, so they just threw in the first thing they thought of.

    I liked that they kept the "mutants" relatively secret throughout the movie, that's not something you see done in these sorts of movies often. I feel like this movie relied solely on a shock and surprise aspect but even at that, they failed. This movie had very few shocking scenes, the scenes they tried to make shocking and scary were just cheesy. Not to mention, this movie used way too many typical horror movie stereotypes. The scariest scene in the movie was the one with the bear, and that's because it caught me off guard.

    This movie had so much potential to be an excellent horror movie and there was a great idea hiding in it. Too bad the makers couldn't find it. It could have been used to show people how bad nuclear power is but they chose not to do that at all. I would have liked to see them show more of the effects radiation can have on a person, but I felt like they just threw that in there too and got it over with as fast as they could. They just sped through the radiation effects.

    I was so disappointed and upset after seeing this movie. I had wanted to see it so badly because the trailer made it look amazing. But after seeing it, I can say I was thoroughly disappointed in the movie and it was not at all what I expected. This movie was overall very boring, not scary, and lacked depth.
    July 25th, 2012 at 07:04am
  • Bella Goes Away.

    Bella Goes Away. (860)

    I genuinely cannot understand being scared by this film or liking it. I thought it didn't deliver anything. It used odd scare tactics that made me wrinkle my forhead and the scariest scene was when the bear showed up out of nowhere. I found the ending to be very bland and unreasonable, and to me it felt as if the director just didn't know what he was doing.
    July 24th, 2012 at 08:57pm
  • northern lights;

    northern lights; (150)

    United Kingdom
    I loved this film! I wouldn't say it had me cowering in fear but it was a good film nonetheless. c:
    July 24th, 2012 at 12:21pm