This Means War

This Means War is romantic comedy that will grab your attention and hold on until the end. The film follows two CIA agents, Tuck and FDR, as they fight to win over the love of a beautiful young woman, Lauren. The two compete, without Lauren’s knowledge, for her love. They use covert tactics involving dart guns, famous paintings, hidden cameras, and a circus tent. Tuck and FDR are so caught up in winning Lauren’s affections that they don’t realize they are being hunted by a nasty criminal. The men soon find that they’ll have to come together if they want to protect Lauren and each other.

The film stars Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, and Chris Pine. Reese Witherspoon played Lauren, the sweet, loveable business woman, who went through a recent heartbreak. Tom Hardy played Tuck, the more reserved, safe male interest. His character was the more loveable of the two, and I was definitely drawn more towards him. Chris Pine’s character, FDR, was a more adventurous, dangerous, smooth-talking ladies’ man.

This Means War is the perfect movie for couples. It has the romance that women love and enough comedy and action to hold the attention of men. I strongly recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of romantic comedies like Bounty Hunter and Knight and Day.

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