The Possession


Centered around a strange old box that seems to not open unless toyed around with, Emily Brenek, an innocent, ten year old girl, found immediate comfort and attatchment to the box itself when confiding in it with her older sister and father at a yard sale.

Prior to this event, everything in her family life seemed to be one hundred percent normal aside the fact that her mother and father had divorced three months earlier.

As days continously chip by, Emily's attatchment to the box itself turns some suspicious heads as well as raise certain assumptions that something surely is out of the ordinary.

Her behavior in school flips completely when the naturally loving and serene girl ends up violent and rather ballistic, getting into fights and starting nothing but pure mayhem.

With mysterious activity and eerie voices, the outcome is coated in nothing but a doomed conclusion.


I'm personally a sucker for demonic ghost films and stories, so this was on my list to watch. Finally realizing that it was out on Netflix, I spent an hour and forty minutes or so watching it with curious intent.

Normally, movies like this get boring or predictable (as well as scary), but this particular film kept me on the edge of my seat.

This wasn't necessarily scary in my opinion, but more creepy and gave me the chills as well as that paranoid feeling of being watched.

Children in horror movies are in general a recipe for disaster and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in the shoes of the surrounding family when watching their youngest succumb to the unknown evils.

This is one of my favorite supernatural horror movies. From start to finish, it was as if you understood the path the story would take until the last bit. The twist itself was great. I would recommend this to all the ones who enjoy having a good scare in general and would definetely re-watch this again.

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