Baby Mama

Baby Mama This is a must see for anyone with a wonderful since of humor. The film Baby Mama stars Tina Fey as Kate Holbrook, a successful business women in Philadelphia. The movie strikes a point that shows you should loosen up and not let life waste away.

Kate Holbrook works for an organic company that sells everything imaginable. Her life has always been one of loneliness and then recently, longing. Every where she goes there would be babies and she claimed that they all seemed to be looking at her. So sparked the desire to have her own child. Kate is frustrated when she tries three times and none work. When she goes to see the doctor, he tells her that he doesn't like her uterus.

Desperate to have a baby she tries adoption, but is denied for that too. Debating whether to try again or find another way she comes across the idea of getting a surrogate mother. Kate goes to the office of the manager of the surrogate mother program and gathers information and interviews to be eligible for it.

Kate gets an offer from a woman named Angie Ostrowski, played by Amy Poehler, they decide to hold an interview at Kate's apartment. Angie brings her horrible boyfriend Carl, played by Dax Shepard, with her.

After some minor talking Kate really thinks that Angie would be a good surrogate mother, asking her Angie says yes and it starts out all set up. Angie gets in-vitro fertilized with Kate's eggs and everyone thinks that is that.

After weeks go by, Angie has still not grown bigger around the stomach area and something seems wrong. Angie gives herself away by accident to Oscar, played by Romany Malco, who is the buildings door man, and helper. After explain her situation Oscar tries to convince her to tell Kate the truth.

Then Angie is unaware for a while that she is being taken to get an ultrasound. Afraid that nothing will show up on the screen Angie tenses and waits for the explosion, but none comes, just the doctor telling them that he found the fetus. Angie is dumbfounded when she realizes that there actually is something in there and later talks to Oscar about the baby probably being hers. After she had taken the test to see if the in-virto fertilization worked, the negative made her distressed and she had sex with her boyfriend. Oscar points out that the baby shower was going to be soon, and that it would be horrible to tell her that at the baby shower.

Of course that ends up happening when Carl comes barging in and blurts out that she isn't even pregnant, which then leads to Angie having to explain to everyone that she is, but it isn't Kate baby. Kate then has to explain that the pregnancy test was supposed to wait for two weeks, because the hormones could interfere with it. Kate pointed out that the baby still could be hers.

They wait a little bit and then got to court for the results of the DNA test.

This movie brings in information about child birth and the meaning of life. Unreal or not this has probably happened somewhere in the world. The show brings in tons of humor and odd little happenings hoping to make people laugh. For people who want a little romance, Kate starts falling in love with a guy who works at a juice store, named Rob, played by Greg Kinnear. So there is a little bit of everything in this movie. You know the works, drama, romance, heart break, and conflict.

Overall this movie is a must see, and is really one of the best movies I have watched in a while.

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