Eris Quod Sum

Eris Quod Sum Eris Quod Sum, a Latin phrase meaning “you will be that of which I am” is the title of the seventh installment of the gripping third volume of Heroes. It will air on October 27th.

The episode clearly escalates the series as the tension takes a step up. Four main characters are left in grave peril as they desperately fight, trapped for their lives against familiar faces.

Nathan Petrelli and Tracy Strauss risk their lives to save themselves and the other ‘test subjects’ from the now monstrous Mohinder Suresh, rumour has it Maya is murdered in this conflict in order for the others to escape.

Elle Bishop makes a surprise return which shocks the Bennet family. Promotional images show Claire and Elle having a cat fight, which should be amusing to watch.

Well aware of Peter’s take down by her ruthless power hungry husband at Pinehearst, Angela Petrelli convinces her third son, Gabriel “Sylar” Gray/Petrelli to save him.

After Matt Parkman’s refusal to join Pinehearst, Daphne is torn apart between the choice of killing the man she could marry in the near but far future or face death herself.

Hiro questions Usutu’s advice. Which of the pair has a better approach as to how Hiro tackles his gathering foes?

More interestingly, the deceptive Petrelli family begins to fall apart, their dark secrets revealed. Peter learns of his fathers intentions; “He took my ability! He’s going to kill us all!” Arthur states that they’re Petrelli’s “revenge is in our blood.” And despite his dark intentions and apparent menacing actions towards our favourite heroes, Arthur is clearly a character full of witty comments who’ll make us all laugh, as is proved when Peter threatens him; “I’m going to make you pay for everything you’ve ever done!” To which Arthur coolly responds with; “Until you change that attitude you’re grounded.”

Personally, I think Arthur’s going to bring back the comedy the show has been lacking recently and his return is one of the best things to happen on Heroes.

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