Doctor Who

Doctor Who The science-fiction show known as "Dr. Who" has been around since 1963. I've only just recently come across the lovely little show, my father introducing me to it, seeing is he is an extravagant science-fiction buff. I thought I'd give the show a try, just to make him happy. But, when I saw the first episode that I had ever seen, I was hooked.

The Doctor is a very mysterious man, who has never revealed his identity as anything other than a Time Lord, thus the name Doctor Who. Supposedly, he is one of two Time Lords left. However, Time Lords are strange things in and of themselves. A Time Lord may look human, but he is still something from the planet of Gallifrey.

The Doctor is a Time Lord, meaning that when he is close to death, he can regenerate himself into someone younger. There have been eleven Doctors; William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, and the current Matt Smith. Each version of The Doctor has different quirks and personalities, but each is the same in what the feel they must do.

The Doctor has a companion with him at most times. Since the start of the show, there have been more than thirty-five companions who've followed The Doctor around in his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which is a phone-booth.

The Doctor also has adversaries when he travels from time to time, world to world, planet to planet. The most common enemy of The Doctor would be the Daleks; armored shells that often say "Exterminate!" attacking Time Lords and killing them. Another adversary of the Time Lord is the Cybermen. Once human, the Cybermen started implanting more artificial parts of their bodies than real, ultimately resulting in them becoming cold and unfeeling. The Master is another adversary, and possibly the worst, of The Doctor's. The Master is another Time Lord, only he is a renegade. Often perceived as Professor Moriarty to Doctor Who's Sherlock Holmes, he is a force that shouldn't be reckoned with.

The show Doctor Who has received many awards. One of of those awards is The National Television Award for "Most Popular Drama" in 2005.

Doctor Who truly is an excellent show. It's crafty and sarcastic language will put you in a fit of laughter while other parts will make you stern and serious. It is one of my favorite shows, and you really should give it a try.

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