Death Note

The television show and graphic novel Death Note has been out for more than two years. I realize that this show is more common in people who watch or know about the genre Anime, but after watching the entire serious more than twice, I've completely fallen in love. I believe this is an incredible animation and deserves to get as much credit or praise as possible.

The television show that originated from the book is about an intelligent Japanese school boy, Light Yagami, that stumbles upon a book from the Shinigami world. The book supposedly kills whoever’s name you write down while thinking of their face. He believes that the book titled 'Death Note' is simply a prank because no such book could kill people. After experimenting on 'bullying bikers,' he learns that what he now possesses is in fact no ordinary book and he can do so much more.

Light believes that by killing people of evil, he will be doing justice. During his quest to becoming God of the new world he was creating, he stumbles upon people trying to stop him. With the help of his Shinigami, Ryuk, Light seems to think he's unstoppable....

So I don't give any spoilers away, I'll stop now. I hope that after reading this review more people will be encouraged to watch this and fall in love with it.

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