Red Dwarf X - Comments

  • A Decade in the Sun

    A Decade in the Sun (320)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ lozzieee wants.
    Thank you! I'll try and get hold of the DVD :D
    January 14th, 2013 at 11:40pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ LixieVengance

    Thank you :D I think the series is up on Netflix and maybe even the Dave website. Moreso, the DVD is onsale :D I hope you do get to catch up because it is quite a brilliant series :D
    January 14th, 2013 at 11:31pm
  • A Decade in the Sun

    A Decade in the Sun (320)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love Red Dwarf and didn't manage to catch all the series - I loved this review!! Smile
    January 12th, 2013 at 11:13pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Serendivinity

    Oh my God, I'm so jealous! I love them - especially Chris.

    I think the show went a bit downhill when Rob Grant left after series six anyway, but Doug Naylor has held his own since the arguable let down of series seven (mostly down to how Kochanski was written, in my opinion). I mean, when I got really big in Dwarf, I found out my parents used to watch it back in its hayday!

    It didn't really tie up the loose ends left in series eight. It was (annoyingly) hinted at in The Beginning, and in the We're Smegged documentary (which is amazing - you should check it out if you haven't already (but I'm a docu-nerd!)), but it's never been resolved. It's probably my second main reason for wanting a series XI.

    But yeah, I completely agree. The comedy was stellar and the Rimmer/Lister relationship was on top form. They're really brilliant comedy actors (and actors in general, really), and Doug's writing was reminiscent of the old days, with Rob. I do think he'll get that balance back, if he writes a XI - here's hoping!

    Rister is my favourite type of Dwarf fic... I genuinely love it. I've only tried my hand at one of my own, but it came out quite nice - with Rimmer as Ace, really emotional and rose-tinted. I just love Dwarf fiction really, except maybe OC ones (even though I'm writing one of my own that currently spans an epic 83 pages...). But no, I love the Rimmer/Lister pairing simply because it could be so possible on the show. Especially with that scene from Blue...
    January 7th, 2013 at 04:13pm
  • Serendivinity

    Serendivinity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ lozzieee wants.
    I completely agree, but at the same time, it was just nice to see a revival after a very confusing end to series 8! I'm still not entirely sure what happened, the show was so full of plot holes that I just stopped trying to follow that much and watched it for the comedy and Rimmer and Lister's relationship. I remember watching it when I was little with my Dad, but most of the jokes escaped me... of course now watching it, I completely get why my Dad found most of it funny and I didn't! xD But all the same, it's still a great cult comedy show, I know there were issues between Grant and Naylor at the time of Back to Earth, so it would have suffered an impact because there wasn't the dynamic of the two great comedy minds writing it, but he'll probably get it spot on in series 11! Full confidence in him. Mixed reviews from audiences kind of shed a light on it that I agree with, but I personally loved it just the same as the old ones, I didn't really get the Lemons episode, it was strange even by RD standards, but I have been a big fan for a while now since getting back into the program - Blame LoveFilm is has series 1 - 8 on there! I'll be writing a few one shots on here, I know it might be offensive but... it's probably Rimster pairing. ;-; Along with some innocently comical stuff... eventually, got some stuff to write up at the minute for another of my huge fandoms. Also, I'm meeting the cast of Red Dwarf in May! *Squeals*
    January 6th, 2013 at 06:54pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Serendivinity

    I've only been into Red Dwarf for about a year, but I got really into it, really quickly. I wasn't lucky enough to grow up with it haha :)

    I was a bit reluctant at first as well; the older series', particularly the first six, were amazingly done, writing, acting, production and direction-wise (I'm a Film Studies nerd), and was disappointed that Back to Earth was far more drama than comedy. It worked, in a way, but it wasn't the classic Dwarf I fell in love with all those months ago.

    X was far, far better. It was a breath of fresh air for the audience, bringing back that odd couple dynamic and simple 28-minute stories. There are some amazing dialogue moments and some brilliant bits of visual comedy, but I don't think it's faultless in the way I think series five is. I worry that Doug has lost that balance between drama and comedy.

    Of course I want a series XI for all the right reasons, like because I'm head over heels for the show, but I want to see if Doug can pull it back and reclaim that perfect balance. I think he can, I really do. That's probably the main reason I want him to write a new series.

    Sorry for the massive reply - I love Dwarf conversations and I'm always really thrilled when I find a fellow Dwarfer on Mibba. I just wish there was more fanfiction for it on here! :)
    January 6th, 2013 at 05:31pm
  • Serendivinity

    Serendivinity (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the new series! I was reluctant at first, having grown up with Red Dwarf, and then to re-watch it but weeks before its grand re-appearance, but I was surprised and pleased! I'm glad to see that you liked it also! I think there will be a series XI, or a series IX and an explanation! xD I know we had Back to Earth, but it didn't answer everything. But XI would be more wise, with their being so much older now. Hoozah!
    January 6th, 2013 at 02:31am