Doctor Doctor, I just saw a flying Police box!

Doctor Doctor, I just saw a flying Police box! The Doctor is back on call once again and giving us a weekly dose of Doctor Who.

Yes that’s right it’s that time again and David Tennant is back as the fun loving, yet mysterious tenth Doctor on BBC 1 every Saturday around six or seven o’clock (times vary).

The Doctor is back on form with his new, not so glamorous assistant Donna Noble! Or as many of us Brits know her as Catherine Tate but we’re not bovvered about that are we? So Catherine Tate…
She’s no Rose and nor is she no Martha so what exactly is she?
Well she’s the forty year old woman who lives with her mother and granddad, has no job and follows the Doctor round talking in her common voice and carrying on words such as “Doooocteeeer” over and over again. Despite how irritating her voice is Donna has heart and shows she cares deeply about the Doctor and that time traveling with our favourite Doctor can takes it effect on you even in the second episode.
But perhaps that is how Donna is meant to come across to us simple viewers, to show old is beautiful! They’re right old is beautiful: Give us back Rose! We can save her!

But shifting away from Catherine Tate’s ‘acting’ the stories themselves are still fresh and full of life.
In this series we will meet old friends and foes and encounter newens as well giving this season a fair balance and excitement throughout.
Of course Doctor Who is being aimed at children these days so some very childish parts are to be expected, and I’m talking about a few scenes in “Partners in crime” and “The Unicorn and the wasp” which actually had me cringing and wishing my dad wasn’t in the room watching it with me!

As any other Doctor Who season this season have its very strong episodes and its very weak ones. So far in the series there have been some brilliant episodes such as “The Doctors’ Daughter”, “The Fires of Pompeii” and, “Unicorn and a Wasp – Despite that cringe worthy moment, you’ll know what I’m talking about if you’re seen it””.
And like stated some weak ones: “Partners in crime – C’mon, it was a poor choice in partners and with its cringe worthy moments and the aliens its hard no to dislike”, “Planet of the Ood – It could have been MUCH better in almost every aspect” and, “The Poison Sky – it was a cliff-hanger from the last episode, it was decent actually but it could have been better”.

The Computer Generated Graphics are still top-notch when it comes to Doctor Who. The BBC clearly cares about this show and put a lot of money into making it look as brilliant as it can be: it pays off I can tell you.
Even the opening theme scene is brilliant, the music is catchy and I find myself humming along to it as it plays.

In this season we do see a darker side of the Doctor however and we do dig deeper into his emotions than the previous seasons. We see the Doctor reject something he doesn’t understand which really adds depth to his character.

We’re eight weeks into Doctor Who and I’m hoping it can only get better.
After watching its Spin-off show ‘Torchwood’ I must admit I prefer that one to Doctor Who now with its more mature story lines, more romance (slash included!) and of course! Captain Jack Harkness has re-entered our lives in better, more detailed story-line form.

David Tennant has succeeded Christopher Eccleston by a mile and is much better Doctor all round in appearance, personality and of course that wonderful charm Tennant brings to the screen with him.
However this series so far has nothing on season one and two, with wonderful Rose: The simple girl who works in a shop with her boyfriend Mickey who got sucked into a world of Doctor but Donna will do for now.

In the meantime however let’s hope Donna Noble realises her mistake and returns home. Let’s let her have her turn with The Doctor then bring in someone new. Any ideas?
Only time can tell....


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