Doctor Doctor, I just saw a flying Police box! - Comments

  • Catherine Tate was way better than i ever expected.
    Simply amazing.
    Also David Tennant is so cute :D :D
    June 15th, 2009 at 03:09pm
  • Personally, Donna is my favourite assistant to date. I disliked the romantic plot lines, as the Doctor is an [i]alien[/i] and it just doesn't seem right. He never wailed [i]'noooo!!'[/i] after his assistant every other episode before, not like he did with Martha. It bugged me, and I'm just relieved that Donna doesn't fancy him!

    And her accent may annoy you, but luckily I'm managing to endure it quite well so far :-P
    July 1st, 2008 at 06:05pm
  • Doctor Who was on a few hours ago and was one of the best episodes I've ever seen.
    Although he re-generated at the end which is a bad thing cause I don't want David Tennant to leave because he's the best Doctor the show's ever had.
    And isn't Catherine Tate just brilliant?
    Although I really expect her to start coming out with 'Am I Bothered?'
    Lol. Brilliant =]
    June 28th, 2008 at 11:17pm
  • Ah, a fellow Doctor Who buff! Welcome to the Who-niverse.

    Honestly, I did prefer Christopher Eccleston Doctor, but then again I'm more of a fan of the originals, which were far more based on him being an outsider to the human race and not so... human, in a way. David Tennant Doctor is far too "lets save the world" though, the highlight, "lets save the world because even though they're tiny and pointless, they're quite fun to watch". He's charm isn't exactly my thing either.

    But as for Rose verses Donna... I'm going to have to say Donna, even though their needs to save everything really do piss me off, Donna does it with more comic dead pan, where as Rose only ever bawled her eyes out or complained incessantly about things.

    But aside from that, the story lines are going superbly I do believe, getting better with each passing week, and only time will tell what amazing finale this season has in store for us. Though Rose does appear to play some part in it, as something sinister, hmmm...

    You don't know the joy I gain from finding fellow Doctor Who critics.
    June 10th, 2008 at 01:26am