
  • Kurai Tsuki

    Kurai Tsuki


    Kurai Tsuki lives in Hawkshead, Lake district, in a large house just on the outskirts of the town. His name means Dark moon. He is 18 and has jet black hair and dark green eyes. He is about 5"7 and wears black jeans and random tops. He is a vampire. He has a vampire family =] He has a sister Hikari. A dad called Aoi. A mom called Chishio. He is the oldest. He is adopted and is related to none of the family by blood but loves them all as if he were. Is intrigued by Bex because most girls are attracted to him because of his good looks and mysterious aura but she goes out of her way to avoid him and seems very distant to him. Gets depressed everytime someone talks about a rabbit or bunny because when he was young he had a pet rabbit but a neighbours little boy came round for a bbq and cooked his rabbit on the bbq. (the parents didn't notice until Kurai started crying.

  • Hikari Tsuki

    Hikari Tsuki


    Hikari Tsuki lives in Hawshead, Lake district with her brother Kurai, Her dad Aoi and her mum Chishio. Kurai and Hikari were both adopted by Aoi and Chishio although she loves them all like they were her real family. Her and Kurai aren't related either. She is said to be 16 years old, and is the youngest vampire. Her name means light moon. She is just over 5"2 and looks younger than 16. She has strawberry-blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Cares for her family deeply and is actually very mature although she hardly ever acts it. She likes to be center of attention and hits it off with everyone immediatly. She is also intrigued by Bex as she is the only person who has never come up to her (Hikari).

  • Aoi Tsuki

    Aoi Tsuki


    Aoi Tsuki is the adoptive father of Kurai and Hikari. He is married to Chishio . His name means Blue Moon. He is 5"8 and has silver hair and wears purple contact lenses for fun. He looks very young for his age even though his hair is dyed silver. People often mistake him and his adoptive children as brothers rather than parents. He is a fun loving character and likes to tease his children when he can.

  • Chishio Tsuki

    Chishio Tsuki


    Chishio Tsuki is a 26 year old vampire who is the wife of Aoi and adoptive mother of both Kurai and Hikari. Like her husband she looks very young for her age, resulting in people thinking that the Tsuki family are all siblings not parents and children. Chishio Tsuki means Blood Moon. She is 5"5 which is taller than Hikari but shorter than the two men. She has red hair and like her husband wears contact lenses. Hers being purpley-red while his are just purple. She likes to wear clothes that show alot of skin. Not because she is a slut but because she thinks if you have the body you should show it off. Like her husband she is very fun loving, but doesn't tease the children as much so they normally go to her if they have problems.

  • Bex Abulton

    Bex Abulton


    Rebecca Abulton, or Bex as she likes to be known is a 17 year old orphen. Her parents died when she was 16 in a train wreck. Ever since then she has lived with her aunt as specified in her parent's will. Bex has to stay with her aunt until she's 18. Bex naturally has dark brown hair but she dyed it so its now purple and green streaks. She has bright green eyes and is 5"4. She is actually a fun loving person who loves to socialise but ever since she started living with her aunt she tends to be insociable and keeps up walls so that when she moves she wont be hurt. People who see her think she's a rebelious teenager and just has a cold attitude when in reality she would love to socialise she just doesn't want to get hurt again. She has an instant attraction to Kurai but hides it behind her cool interior so as not to get hurt. She hopes that by doing this he won't try and be her friend however it has the opposite effect, and her being cold intrigues him and he keeps trying to find a way for her to open up. She always wears a green and purple cap with a purple skull and cross bone on as that was the last thing her parents gave her. She is into a colourful gothic look. She believes in magic and supernatural stuff.

  • Loraine Huts

    Loraine Huts


    Loraine Huts is Bex's aunt from her mother's side. Although Loraine and Lauren (Bex's mum) were sisters there was a ten year age gap between them. Loraine falls for men easily but always seems to fall for the wrong type. When she breaks up with a man, she moves on to another town. She says she gets bored of the towns but Bex is aware that her aunt is just running away. Loraine and Bex used to get on well, but Bex is becoming more and more annoyed at Loraine because she has to follow where ever Loraine goes, meaning Bex can't make any friends and live in a stable environment. She wears glasses and has dark hair that is tinted purple with brown eyes. She is 5"6 and works as a supply teacher. She gets really hyper whenever she has coffee so tends not to have it often.

  • Tsuki Family

    Tsuki Family

    These vampires do age. When they are young they grow at a normal rate (same as humans) but when they hit 20 they age alot more slowly. Ten human years equal one vampire year after they turn 20.

  • Max



    Max is Bex's neighbour. He takes to following her round after she helps his rabbit that had a splinter in its foot. He looks up to her and tells anyone he meets how she saved his rabbit (blows it out of proportion but he's 11 so meh) After he tells Kurai about his rabbit they connect (Kurai is sensitive bout rabbits) and he becomes the middle man between Kurai and Bex (Kurai asking Max to find out why Bex doesn't like him etc) He has brown hair and eyes and wears a pilot hat on his head as it was his grandfathers. He was very close to his grandfather before he died. He has a cute, innocent face and is often said to look like an angel. He speaks very politly and is a stickler for manners, he even tells Bex off if she doesn't say please and thank you. Although he is an annoyance at first, he soon becomes important to Bex (although she doesn't let anyone know that) and will stick up for him when he's bullied.