
  • Genevieve Maillard

    Genevieve Maillard


    Genevieve (occasionally called Gen or Genny) is rather impetuous, prone to making rash decisions, is often known for making an odd observation (or four), and is selfless to the extreme. She is an intelligent young woman, but has only her high school diploma, having had to put her academic ambitions to the wayside to care for her terminally ill mother. She has no other family, her grandparents long dead, and her father having walked out on her mother before Genevieve was born. With so little life experience under her belt, Genevieve is set on a crash course with death, as she watches her mother slowly waste away, and in an effort to ensure her care in her final months, makes a veritable "deal with the devil," bargaining off her own mortality to the brooding vampire, Maxim Hall. Even before embarking on her new sanguinary diet, Genevieve had an extremely fair complexion; now she is (no pun intended) deathly pale, her alabaster skin framed by riotous dark curls, and set off by wide green eyes. She isn't particularly tall, standing around 5'3". She is pretty--not beautiful. Until her vampiric encounter, Genevieve was a waitress at a small restaurant in downtown San Francisco. She has a passion for Nineteenth century English literature.

  • Maxim Hall

    Maxim Hall


    Maxim (né Maximilian) is ostensibly twenty-three--unable to physically age, Maxim is technically more than 270 years old. Born to an aristocratic English family in Hertfordshire, Maxim was turned into a vampire in 1758. Retaining the manners of the Eighteenth century world in which he was raised, and both extremely intelligent and extremely educated, Maxim can be utterly charming and genteel when he chooses to be (and is quite proper by modern standards), though is known to make the occasional off-color remark for his own amusement. Prone to periods of brooding and wracked by guilt from events in his past, Maxim believes his soul to be damned. Maxim cuts a rather dashing figure, handsome, with dark tousled hair and striking emerald eyes against an ivory complexion. Though no longer donning the powdered wigs and waistcoats of times past, he is very well-dressed, having obviously had quite a bit of time to amass his wealth. Imposing, Maxim gives off the impression that he is much taller than he actually is, standing only at 5'8". His "life" would have continued its course as it had for centuries, surviving with his incredible guilt, had he not had a fatal, extraordinary encounter with the otherwise ordinary Genevieve Maillard. Maxim has multiple business ventures to eschew his inevitable boredom, currently the CEO of a San Francisco-based publishing company. He enjoys reading novels that are not written in English.