
  • Magenta Rosemary Hartley

    Magenta Rosemary Hartley


    Occupation: Waitress in Candlelight restaurant Ambition: Undecided Hobbies: Writing, drawing, singing, cooking, athletics, art, acting Habits: Biting her lip, sneaking alcohol when suffering in extreme depression Personality: Impatient, overly curious, quite messy, easliy angered (but calms quickly), optimistic, flexitarian, she has a radar for dating jerks Family: Her parents are divorced, and she lives with her mom in California while her dad lives in Scotland. She had an older brother, but he died from a brain tumour when she was six 1/2 years old. Magenta has about a million cousins and relatives living virtually all over the globe. FAMILY: Mom - Leah. Dad - Paul. Brother - Jack. BIO: Magenta lived a virtually miserable life in the countryside in Scotland, having to listen to her parents argue since the death of Jack. She avoided their arguments usually by taking long walks round the countryside, knowing her parents would argue for two hours or more. Magenta's parents divorced after the dream, and she made the choice of living with her mom in California. Since then she has attended school and is one of the most talented students in her year. She loved Biology, but when she was 17 she met a new guy in school who turned out to be working for his sister to convert Magenta into giving up her power (which she doesn't know she has)

  • Kaine Alex Demetri

    Kaine Alex Demetri


    Occupation: Unemployed. He recieves moeny from his rich parents in Felidonus Ambition: Human Hobbies: Guitar, Piano, learning new languages, running away from his parents Habits: Scratching his hand Personality: Casual, laid-back, secretive, calm, over-protective, unbelievably tidy, modest Family: His mom and dad live together in an estate in the Below. They always want him to be the evilest he can be, but Kaine wants something different, he wants to be a good human. He has seven half sisters and six half brothers, all from his fathers side (he cheated on Kaine's mom thirteen times in the early stages of their marriage) FAMILY: MOM - Katherine. DAD - . SISTERS - Bianca, Melania, Amelie, Heisha, Jean, Katriona, Kimi. BROTHERS - Mark, Steiven, Joe, Jasper, Alixtair, Drew BIO: Kaine was born and raised in the Land of Fire. He considered himself more human than demon, though sometimes his demon side takes over and he ends up committing crimes. He loves most of his brothers and sisters, as they are all half-human, just like him. However he is the only one with a dominating human nature. His father believed that he was creating a super-race, but after fourteen he stopped as he realised there wasn't much special about them. At fifteen, Kaine's demonic side dominated him and he ended up slaghtering humans by pushing them infront of trains, but stopped after six months. after that he was scared of going into demon-mode, and only EVER uses his powers when he absolutely has to.