
  • Sir Kiedon Antonio Torren

    Sir Kiedon Antonio Torren


    His human age is 21 for eternity, but his immortal age is 228. Kiedon is a vampire, one of the only purebloods left in the world, and he prefers to be called Torren. For his entire life since it first clashed with the Koerta family, he knew they were in danger. Their daughter, Isabelle, was special, but nobody knew what it was. She acted vampiric sometimes or different. Torren stands at an average 6 foot 2 and, although he may not look necessarily strong, his pureblood abilities make him one of the strongest immortals. He has shortish dark brown hair and a fringe that sweeps over one eye and his eyes are almost colourless, with pale mist swirling in them when he uses hypnosis. Obviously, his eyes turn red with blood, but he is able to control this, and his bloodlust, due to his powers. Torren lives in his own mansion-like house with large grounds that his separated from the town he runs - Tolpaza - by a forest, known as Tolpaza forest. Sometimes, Torren can have a fairly split personality, acting quite loving the first minute, then flipping to aggressive and sarcastic in the next.