
  • Laura Freeman

    Laura Freeman


    At 5 foot 2, Laura's not exactly the tallest of people. Her hair is black, with a ginger tint to it, and shoulder length. She's underweight, almost a stick to be honest. She doesnt mean to be this way, but she cant help it. She's not anorexic, but people worry she is, or will be. She's very pale, I guess a result of not getting enough nutrition? Laura hates dumping on people. When she has a problem, she doesnt like to talk about it, because she doesnt want people to get hurt. Everyone else, on the other hand, rely on her to help them, and she finds it impossible to say no. And because of this, they've grown to rely on her every time. Laura loves to help people, but sometimes, she doesnt realise it's hurting her. But when she does, she doesn't care, because to her, she doesn't matter. She's not important. Laura tries not to let onto thing easily. She tries not to let people know when she's unhappy, when she needs help. But sometimes it's too obvious. There are thing like emotions that give it away. When her fake smile no longer looks genuine. They realise there's something going to, and want to help. They worry, which is what she wants least. Then again, it's sometimes the physical things. She barely gets any sleep, and doesnt eat well enough. By well enough, I mean she doesnt eat. If she got a choice in the matter, she would never eat, but her friends make her. Things like this really affect the way a person looks, which is a bit of a giveaway really. Laura has naturally pale skin, but sometmes it's hard to disguise how much paler she unhealthy she is. But she tries. Sometimes it's all she CAN do, but most of the time, she's pretty good at it.