
  • Rose Mary Fletcher

    Rose Mary Fletcher


    [B]Hair Colour:[/B] Brunette. Natural curls. [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Dark Green/Hazel [B]Body Type[/B]: Slim/Slender An old school friend of [B]Joe Jonas[/B], Rose grew up with the Jonas brothers and remained friends with the family until three of the four brothers gained stardom. Rose works at Fashion Inst., a large corporation in downtown LA. She designs clothes and has had designs made and sold in boutiques all over California. She studied Fashion at NYU for a semester before moving to the West Coast in hopes of having hands on experience. She has no tattoos or piercings as she deems them 'ugly' and 'unsuitable'. She prefers listening to old rock music and hasn't the time to keep up with new bands that come and go at the drop of a hat. She's headstrong and loyal and will do anything to help her friends. After recently breaking up with her boyfriend Adam, she was surprised when Joe Jonas turned up at her apartment building with an offer she couldn't refuse.