
  • Sherry Coleman

    Sherry Coleman


    Orphaned at an early age in her childhood, she lives with her brother and her ambitious grandmother who seems to show favoritism for Sherry's brother. This and her parents' death had caused her to isolate herself from everyone that surround her and develop hidden emotions that are still locked up. She managed to let 1% of her feelings free everytime her grandmother blamed her unfairly and let her twin brother off the hook, by punching him. Sherry is very smart, but nobody ever sees her potiential. She only yearns for the day she graduates to move out of the house and start a new life somewhere far, where no one will recognize her and point at her as the scary loner. But before this moment arrives, she is kidnapped by three creatures and she must change plans.

  • Brandon July

    Brandon July


    Born on 1896, Brandon had an epic childhood. His mother had him when she was 15, cause of a rape. She wasn't willing to have him because her mother wouldn't believe the real story, so after the baby was born, she abandoned him in the heart of a forest so no one finds him and, hopefully, leave him as feed for animals. Two very young men, Rick and Lucas, rescued him just as the baby was about to get devoured by a black jaguar. Both men took excellent care of him, and Brandon grew as a fine, young man. Curious by the fact that Rick and Lucas never aged, Brandon, starting his teenage years, asked. He learned the truth about them being vampires, and they proposed to him they would turn him into one at age 21. And so it happened. At that exact age, he was forced into an army of vampires controlled by Deangelo-if not, he should have paid with his life- and gained a high level, working for a powerful vampire. Brandon is very smart, highly-trained for his job, and one of the strongest vampires in the army. He is very serious and nobody can ever decipher his emotions. He doesn't like getting involve with people who are part of his job, like Sherry. But even he, who's grateful for Rick and Lucas saving him, usually gives them a hard time, running away and yearning for the day he becomes free from his Master but, in the meantime, he'll respect him and follow his orders.

  • Deangelo Everest

    Deangelo Everest


    Strong, powerful, and evil, Deangelo is dangerous and ambitious and gets EVERYTHING he desires -without exaggerating. Even if it costs the life of somebody else, as careless as he is, he is willing to kill. As the Grand Vampire and owning almost every vampire that exists, he lays back and sends out vampires to go get it for him. He usually wants people to be turned into vampires, which might have a strong potential as a creature of the night. When it is not this, he sends in sexy human females that would satisfy his thirst for sensuality. But all this stuff he does for arrogance, proving to every vampire out there how 'lucky' he is. As a powerful vampire, he earned the ability to make an exact copy of a vampire power as long as he makes a simple contact with their hands. For having met a lot of vampires, he owns every power that exists. Don't fool with Deangelo. He respects you if you do everything he demands, but he is arrogant, vengeful and filled with hatred and hostility. He doesn't love, and he never will, since he practically owns the world. He just has to invade the world.

  • Rick Key

    Rick Key


    Born on 1809, the character he had before he became a vampire has never changed up to date. Coming from a very poor family, he might have wished to come out of that poverty, but it wasn't an important thing in his life. Even though his life took an abrupt turn on 1835, he still didn't abuse the powers given to him, by a stranger vampire, to gain riches; he kept his virtue. He appears to have 26 years old, since that was the age he was turned into a vampire. His current age is 201. When he was 87 years old, he found, along with his friend Lucas, a baby abandoned at the core of the forest. Both of them took him in, named him Brandon, and raised him as their fathers. This act shows how much he desired the well-being of others and the sacrifice he was willing to take, having to take care of a human baby while being a vampire himself. Rick Key controlled himself for 21 years, until Brandon was turned into a vampire. Rick is strong, and Deangelo's right hand.