
  • Cassidy Carlie Chronstiner

    Cassidy Carlie Chronstiner


    Long blond hair thats naturally curly but she straightens it. She is an actress and a singer and used to date Nick Jonas before she broke his heart. She has brown eyes and is normally pretty friendly until you get on her bad side. She may seem shy but really when you get to know her you'll wish she WAS shy. Her parents they left her once she became famous to travel the world and spend Cassie's hard earned money. She sees them maybe twice a year. Her birthday and Christmas. Sometimes not even then she'll just get her present and card in the mail. She's over all just a normal kid. She has one brother who is 21 and a twin sister but doesnt know about her. Her brother well lets just say hes over protective of her even though she doesnt see him much with him being in collage in everything but he's only a phone call away. So yea Cass is pretty much your typical teenage girl except for the fact that she's famous.