
  • Lindell



    Name: Lindell Meaning: field of lilies Race: Elf Age: 1469 but looks to be around fifteen, a year older Edmund in Prince Caspian (I just decided that he looks fourteen) and since the time is all weird between the two worlds, she’s exactly the same age as him if you include the years before the Pevensies found Narnia. (Sorry it’s confusing.) Weapon: sword, enchanted bow and arrows, staff with a bird engulfed in fire crafted on top Abilities: wonderful warrior, best with magic or long distance combat with the bow but still excels with a sword Magic: fire Looks: bright red hair with a little brown in it and a white streak in one of the locks that falls in her face that falls a little past her shoulders, aqua eyes, fair skin, full lips, 5 ft. 4. Favorite color: Green Past: she was born 64 years before the White Witch’s reign. When the witch took over Narnia, the elves all journeyed to the very edge of the west before she could get a hold on one of them. For the elves’ knowledge of Narnia surpassed all others, and if the witch succeeded in getting her hands on one, she’d destroy Narnia forever. The elves knew her hatred of it ever since she had fist come and seen it created, so if she had gotten the chance, the witch would destroy it right away. But not without getting out first, the elves knew how to do this as well. The danger was too great for the elves to stay. Edeana was still young for an elf when they made the journey so she couldn’t quite understand why they were leaving until her parents were killed by dryads who were working for the witch. Even if the dryads could kill people with only their bodies, they could always choke them with their roots and branches. The elves had lost many of their people that way. Edeana’s parents in particular were a few of the last. They were trapped within roots that had covered them while they were taking a nap. When the rest of the elves had set them free (they threatened to burn it down) it was already too late. (Once they found that the people were suffocated the elves burned it down anyway.) Finally making it out of the witch’s dominion, they settled on the coast of the western ocean. No one had journeyed that far before so the elves named it themselves. They called it Luthian (yes I know I got that from Lord of the Rings) for its beautiful waters. (It pretty much looks like the ocean you’d see in Hawaii.) When the witch was defeated, the trees began to wonder what had happened to the elves that used to live there so long ago. Word traveled through the trees until the elves had finally heard. They were joyful at the discovery that the four kings and queens had finally come. Then they finally began the long journey back home. It took three years and it took seven years for word to reach them. You know what that means. By the time the elves had gotten there, the kings and queens had disappeared once again. But the elves never left again. When the Talmarines invaded, the elves fought against them, but the Narnians decided to go into hiding and let the Talmarines believe they were extinct. The elves agreed to this and hid. While doing this, the elves practiced their skills just in case something terrible was to happen. Never again would they underestimate the might of the Talmarine army. Edeana grew to find that she possessed the magical powers of a fire mage. Not only that, but the strongest of all the elfin mages. She continued to practice her art in the name of Aslan. For Aslan had once appeared in her dreams and told her of the kings and queens return. She learned that the now-legendary royals had come from another world just as the prophecy had said. Throughout the 1’300 years, she held the hope that the kings and queens would return. Personality: kind, calm, hates to be awoken from sleep (trust me, she’s SCARY if you do), if her parents are mentioned in a harsh way, she gets pissed and you’re dead.