
  • Aliki Walker

    Aliki Walker


    She's the girl who has very few friends and trusts even less. Her mother wasn't abusive but she couldn't care less about her daughter. Her father left when she was young, and never cared unless money was involved. Then her brother comes along and to her it's a dream come true, away from her family and the drama and B-S of her old high school. The only down side is leaving Nate. Aliki is normally fun loving, and doesn't hate the live fast die pretty life style. She's done drugs and drank until she can't even try to remember what happen. But she's the kind of person who won't back down, especially if the people she cares about are involved. Music is the most important thing to her, she lives and breathes it. She's a strong person and knows how to handle herself even when her world comes crashing down, which is fairly often. (Instead of the brown eyes in the picture they are green-ish blue. Her hair is also about six inches longer, and the brown is almost black and the bleached spots are lighter.)