
  • Elyse Black

    Elyse Black


    Elyse Black was framed for a crime she did not commit, making her trust for people very thin. She cares about Sirius and thinks of him as the father she never had. Luna is one of her friends, even though they are not that close, as well as the Trio. She is a Ravenclaw, despite her great courage. She originally had black hair like it is in the picture, but sicne she escaped, she had to dye it blond to disguise herself. She can transform into a black cat even since a mess-up with magic when she was growing up. She has the powers to see things happening in the present, the future, and in the past. Besides all that, she has a utter hate for blond hair, even though she is currently supporting a head of blond hair. She also hates most people and finds sarcastic comments her paradise. She is your adverage "world's biggest dork" but you can't help but loving her.