
  • Agent Avery

    Agent Avery


    Avery lived in the local Orphanage in the beginning stage in her life, until one of the workers there, posing as a child care worked notices differences in Avery. How she seems to be strong and willfull, cunning and sensible. Susan, a faithful employee of the Agency for over 20 years was hired to find children like Avery, who had the 'gift'. Avery began her training with the Agency and becomes the most feared assassin in the game. Dumbledore hires her to aid in the assistance of the assassination of Voldemort. Her mission is to help Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger in their task to kill He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Avery is a skilled professional, the best in the business, falling in love is against protocol, it is against her training, against everything she has come to know.

  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter


    The boy who lived. Dumbledore gives Harry the seemingly impossible task of killing Voldemort. Before Dumbledore goes into hiding, he hires a muggle assassin to help them. Harry is outraged that he has to bring a muggle to help, he hates putting Hermione and Ron in danger, but now he has to put this sweet little girl in harms way aswel. Avery shows Harry she isn't as sweet as he seems to think. On this mission, they clash. He thinks he knows best, and she thinks she knows best, they fight more than Ron and Hermione. Harry knows that's its wrong to fall in love with a killer, he knows it's wring to fall in love when Ginny is waiting for him. He knows that it's wrong to fall in love when his impending doom nears.

  • Idamar



    Idamar, inherited the Agency from his fathers before him. He sees Avery as his daughter, he know that she is the most talented assassin to have ever lived and knows that any mission she is put on she will accomplish. He hopes that she will be his predecessor. Idamar know how to manipulate people, he know how to get what he wants. He is a mystery and has complete faith in Avery.