
  • Abbigail Elizabeth "Abbie" Haywood

    Abbigail Elizabeth "Abbie" Haywood


    Abbigail is a small, Muggle-born witch, only standing 5'2", from Massachusetts, United States. Both of her parents came from Muggle families, but both attended Schools in the U.S. for magic. From the ages 10 to 11, she attended Salem Witches Institute. Before her second year started, her father got a job offer from the Ministry of Magic in Britain. Taking up the offer, her and her family moved to England into a small town, Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon, England. While attending the wizarding school of Hogwarts, she quickly became best friends with Fred and George Weasley. Despite being nervous easily and quiet, Abbie is a Gryffindor. Never seeming to be brave, she quickly proves herself brave when most witches or wizards would flee. No matter how sweet and innocent Ms. Haywood may seem, she's really a prankster at heart, often working on pranks with the Wealsey twins.