
  • Justin DiGiovanni

    Justin DiGiovanni


    Senior at Fallbrooke High. Qualified for the Golden Feather (having attended Fallbrooke High for more than one year upon graduating [reference to the school’s mascot, the Falcon]) and qualified for the Onyx Netting (having participated in the Varsity Lacrosse team for a consistent two years). Regards others as weak but has enough heart to offer any assistance he deems fit for the occasion. His only will in life is to succeed his family’s role in their debt to their ancestors. He sees everyday as a blessing from his creators and is resolute on executing the oath to his family. However, when he finds himself falling into human habits, his will wavers.

  • AJ Dean

    AJ Dean


    Senior at Fallbrooke High. Qualified for the Golden Feather (having attended Fallbrooke High for more than one year upon graduating [reference to the school’s mascot, the Falcon]) and qualified for the Onyx Netting (having participated in the Varsity Lacrosse team for a consistent two years). He has long since accepted the fact that his life is a gift that will one day be traded for another the moment his parents were ***ed when he was seven years old. Since then, he has fallen under Justin’s wise and has been treated as the younger brother. Although he is regarded as the innocent, he often plays the vice that separates Jeyson from succumbing to his brash actions.

  • Jeyson Kross

    Jeyson Kross


    Jeyson Kross: Senior at Fallbrooke High. Qualified for the Golden Talon (having attended one year at Fallbrooke High) and qualified for the Silver Claw (having graduated from Fallbrooke High [reference to the school’s mascot, the Falcon]). Regards others as incompetent, no matter their standing in society. Has very little tolerance for human interaction and would prefer to avoid them altogether. However, his family’s oath forbids it. Due to the disgrace of his sister’s mistrial of her aid to a banished society just before her speculative ***, and his insane grandfather, the duties of the oath must be endured by him.

  • Julian Lovatt

    Julian Lovatt


    Senior at Fallbrooke High. Qualified for the Silver Wing (having attended Fallbrooke High for all 4 years upon graduating [reference to the school’s mascot, the Falcon]) and qualified for the Two-Face Print (having been involved in with the Drama Club and its productions throughout the year). He is very outgoing and is known for his charming exterior towards others. Unlike most young men at this stage of life, he has a resolute grasp of the past, present, and future. His focus is unwavering and although he is very Drama biased, he has no curiosity for pursuing anything relative once he achieves the next stage in life. His only concern is fixating his strength on the present.

  • Norie



    Is a demon bred from the ash of Priam and the souls of two demons of the Jyhntl Era. Priam took her under his wing against the provision of his kind not being able to reproduce and to have a soul under his will to succeed him. For that reason, amongst a handful of others, she is just as sheltered as he is. One of her sole purposes is preserving Priam’s veil. Catering to and assisting the secondary beings falls into that requirement which has tamed her natural cruelty to those of her own kind. Helping to evade her nature, she has various unique qualities, most of which have evolved through her encounter with the outcast vampires: Shadows, Vengeance, Synyster, Christ, and The Rev.

  • Priam



    Is an Elder of the Ue Era. There were hundreds of Elders of the Ue Era before they were executed, shunned, or vanished during the Qre Al Urenshtl. Priam was one of the few whose punishment resulted in banishment, and has since then fallen to the means of veiling himself as demons and the occasional human. Sometime after the Hngeol Era, demons of the Jyhntl Era revealed his oracle and as a gift to an Elder promised him the life of an Xino demon. The result was Norie. Together they traveled through different elemental regions and did their best to offer what they could to their ancestors and eternity of immortality. Only recently have they scourged Earth alongside the outcast vampires: Shadows, Vengeance, Synyster, Christ, and The Rev.

  • Diego Deneuve

    Diego Deneuve


    Uncle to Aurora and younger brother to Derek Deneuve. International Trade Imports/Exports Advisor. Sole heir of the Deneuve silk fortune. Against the family’s desires, he followed in his older brother’s footsteps and searched for passion, weakness, and the extent of man’s curiosity. Unlike his older brother, his findings left him cornered and eventually, deserted amongst the lesser understanding. As far as his family is concerned, he is known as an expensive drifter, leaving a trail of disaster after him. However, Derek is the only relative that still accepts him and acknowledges him as family. In the last eight years, he has relatively rooted himself stateside.