
  • Cassandra Leigh Shane

    Cassandra Leigh Shane


    Cass is in her last year of college and doing extremely well, when she isn't focused on an art project she is usually kicking back and watching old black and white films, or working at the local animal shelter. She dreams of being a well known artist, sharing her view on the world with anyone willing to open their minds. She has always been the weird girl, even as a child, she dressed odd and chose drawing and reading over making friends. She isn't anti-social, she prefers solitude, although she isn't opposed to being friendly toward people, she likes to keep people at a safe distance. Only using the word 'friend' as a loose term. The only true friend she has is Marshall, a guy she met while working at the animal shelter. Cass has an obsession with round sunglasses, vinyl records and vintage antiques.