
  • Choi Adrien / Choi Sun Ho

    Choi Adrien / Choi Sun Ho


    Choi Adrien / Adrien Choi Born Choi Sun Ho to Choi Seung Hyun and Baek Ji Kyung. Being an only child, and heir to one of the biggest commercial companies in South Korea, a lot of responsibility rests on Adriens young shoulders. He is raised in London, England - and was home schooled. Adrien is laid back, and normally don't say anything unless it's necessary. He is taught to respect his elders, and the people around him - which he does. His good upbringing and way of living can often at times make him look boring - but when he shines, he really does shine. With his bright smile, intelligence and good looks he is well sought after amongst the women - especially in the higher classes of society. Adrien hates large crowds, and is troubled with really bad headaches as a result from a bike accident when he was three. When it comes to his work, he puts in everything he got - but it doesn't mean he wants to stay in it forever. He is a passionate musician, and would love to create music or write books one day. The closest he gets to this dream is managing one of the magazines linked to Choi INC called "Clazziquai" a fashion magazine for the richer young woman. His best trait in terms of looks is his eyes. Many girls have claimed to have fallen in love with him the first time they really looked into them. His almond shaped brown eyes reflects his inner dreams and personality - which usually never meets another pair of eyes in a proper "eyelock". Because when he truly looks at someone, you will feel it. He normally dresses very A4, and is usually seen in a suit or a white shirt with a cardigan. He doesn't like standing out, or being noticed. He one day hopes to find someone that will accept his true self, and not the public figure everyone think they know. Someone who will look past his social status (and money) and realize who he truly is.

  • Anastasia Forlane

    Anastasia Forlane


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