
  • Lee Jordan

    Lee Jordan


    Lee Jordan is Fred and George's best friend/trouble maker.

  • Fred and George Weasley

    Fred and George Weasley


    Fred and George are twins, of the Weasley variety. They are two years older than the Kim, Mollie, Rie, and Cat.

  • Catherine Anne Fitzgerald (Cat)

    Catherine Anne Fitzgerald (Cat)


    Born- March 1 12:59 a.m. Looks- 5’4¼” (very proud of that quarter), a little bit longer than shoulder length auburn(dark red) curly hair, and blue eyes that change color with her emotions, REALLY REALLY pale skin with lots of freckles, human shaped. Lives- In Ireland at the Fitzgerald family castle with her parents(when they’re home) and three sisters. Other- She’s the youngest of a set of non-identical quadruplets (though she’ll tell you she’s the oldest because the other three were born on leap day). She’s smart, funny, hyper, EXTREAMLY CLUMSY(like trip standing still on a flat surface with no wind and nothing around her), a very loyal friend, and LOVES to pull pranks(no one but her sisters ever suspects her). Her sisters call her Bob and wonder if she’s a vampire sometimes because she doesn’t sleep much, has abnormally pale skin, and hasn’t grown since they were nine. Her hobbies are hanging out with her sisters, writing, music, pushing the limits of getting in trouble, playing quiditch, and working on her transfiguration. She’s really brave because she wants to prove to everyone that makes fun of her, for being so short and being the youngest, that she’s not a scared little child. She does crazy things to prove her point even if it ends up hurting her in the end. Pets- a blue owl (transfigured by her) named Mercury and a black cat named ink (she’s slightly allergic to dogs but still loves them...) Special power- shape shifter, she can turn into any type of cat large or small she wants to(now you know why she’s allergic to dogs), her preference is a white tiger or a panther, she sisters think she may be a bit of a metamorphmagis because of her eyes but don’t really know.

  • Kimberly Renee Fitzgerald (Kim)

    Kimberly Renee Fitzgerald (Kim)


    Born- Feb 29 5:55 a.m. Looks- 5’7”. Long black curly/frizzy hair, brown eyes, human shaped. Lives- In Ireland at the Fitzgerald family castle with her parents(when they’re home) and three sisters. Other- She’s the oldest of a set of non-identical quadruplets. She’s smart, funny, very mischievous, clumsy, a very loyal friend, and loves to pull pranks. She loves her sisters more than anything and worries a lot about her baby sister. Her sisters call her Matt or Matthew (the baby sister decided to give all of them guy names). Her hobbies are spending time with her sisters, doing other peoples hair, playing quiditch, and working on her charms work. Pets- A purple owl named Hugh and a dog named Mazie Special power- animagis, she turns into a cardinal.

  • Mollie Nicole Fitzgerald (Mollz)

    Mollie Nicole Fitzgerald (Mollz)


    Born- Feb. 29 1:11 p.m. Looks- 5’7”, short blond wavy hair, gray eyes, skinny Lives- In Ireland at the Fitzgerald family castel with her parents(when they’re home) and three sisters. Other- She’s the second of a set of non-identical quadruplets. She’s smart, funny, VERY VERY HYPER, clumsy, a very loyal friend, and loves to pull pranks. She loves her sisters more than anything and worries a lot about her baby sister. Her sisters call her George. Her hobbies are spending time with her sisters, eating sugar, playing quiditch, and working on her herbology. Pet- A rainbow colored owl (charmed to look like that by Kim) named Skittles and a huge hyper dog named Taffy. Special power- animagis, she turns into a fox.

  • Marie Isabella Fitzgerald (Rie)

    Marie Isabella Fitzgerald (Rie)


    Born- Feb. 29 10:01 p.m. Looks- 5’7”, midback length frizzy dirty blond and red hair, blue gray eyes, human shaped. Lives- In Ireland at the Fitzgerald family castle with her parents(when they’re home) and three sisters. Other- She’s the third of a set of non-identical quadruplets. She’s smart, funny, a very loyal friend, clumsy, and loves to pull pranks. She loves her sisters more than anything and worries a lot about her little sister. Her sisters call her Fred. She can be cruel sometimes but never to her family(usually only people that pick on her baby sister). Her hobbies are helping to make sure her baby sister doesn’t get hurt too badly, playing quiditch, righting, music, and working on her potions. Pet- A neon color spotted owl (charmed by Kim) named Pebbles and a dog named Roxi. Special power- metamorphmagis