
  • Panther A. Marx

    Panther A. Marx


    Body Type: Tall, 5’9, willowy, strong but not muscley, beige skin with a slight tan, light brown hair that gets darker in dim light, dark purple eyes that turn different shades of purple depending on the light, and has long legs. Status (at school): the kick-ass, rebel girl who doesn’t take anything from anyone and is a loner and a tomboy. Family: mom, step-dad (who recently divorced her mom), and dad who her mom left when she was a baby and never saw or heard of him. Likes: music, adrenaline, fast cars, guns, motorcycles, building things as well as breaking them, mosh pits, her mom, fitness, street fighting, money, exercising, storms, speed, nature, and racing. Dislikes: girly girls, wanna-be rebels, bad music, sluts, preps, all the popular kids at school, annoying people, her step-dad plus the woman he remarried, arrogance, ignorance, and anything cheery and happy-go lucky. Personality: sticks up for what she believes in, short temper, low tolerance, and doesn’t give a damn about what you think. Job(s): street racer, street fighter (like her mom), and works as an assassin in the mafia. Drives: motorcycle and a convertible.