
  • Hanna Corine Robinson,

    Hanna Corine Robinson,


    Hanna is a carefree, kind hearted, beautiful girl. Hanna is probably the most amazing girl you will ever meet. Shes pretty funny and doesn't care what people think of her, but she still tries to be everybodys friend. Girls watch out because she can steal your boyfriend. Alot of boys like her and want to get with her but she often itemidates them, you have to have guts to speak to Hanna. She dosen't have any silblings and lives with her grandmother because her mom died when Hanna was young, and her dad walked out on her when she was three. Hanna is usually very optimistic, but has been really moody since her rough break-up with Carl. Hanna has a small size, she's skinnier than most but not to small. Hanna has super straight black hair and dark brown eyes with green undertones, not like your typical japenese/ indian girl.

  • Brittany Nicole Justice

    Brittany Nicole Justice


    Brittany is very popular, attractive and has a good heart. Acasionally moody at times but always tries to do the right thing. Believes in family coming first no matter what. Brittany is a girl that commonly gets mistaken for a slut or being easy, but often is a smart and beautiful person. She knows what she is talking about and can be very wise. Brittany has curly dark brown hair,and aqua blue eyes, shes athletic and she is captain of the cheerleading squad. Brittany has two siblings name Brandon and Victoria.

  • Megan Hope Browning.

    Megan Hope Browning.


    Megan has many secrets to hide that are hard to tell. She tries to find a way to let her friends know what is going on. Megan has amazingly beautiful green eyes. One could get lost in her eyes forever, and never want to escape. Her hair is redish-brown with black undertones, its layered. Even if she is going through a hard time, Megan will always lend a helping hand and will listen to your troubles and problems. She dispises drama, and She is incredibly beautiful both inside and out, even if she can't see it. Shes good at keeping secrets but she will always speak her mind, she is a great arguer and she can be really stubborn. She is more focused on other things than relationships with boys, but liked by many of them even though they she is usually single. She is very talented and intrested in music more then anything. She is often known for being Brittany's cousin, but wishes she was known for her amazing singing voice.

  • Stacy Marie Williams.

    Stacy Marie Williams.


    Stacy is a strong-minded, sporty, misunderstood girl with a rough past. She has common sense and is often prepared to be sarcastic with you if you're acting stupid. Often known as a bitch, but is really just looking out for herself and her friends. She a party girl and enjoys, smoking, drinking, and anything that will show her a good time. Stacy is a great volleyball player and is captain of the volleyball team at PBA. Stacy has either wavy or straight dirty blonde hair, green-blue eyes, and a curvy figure. Her favorite color is purple. She has no siblings.